Aloa Jungle,
before August ends in a hurry it is time for another look on my workbench.
The last of my personal WIP-thoughts can be reviewed here!
Wetpalettes and brushes are - as they should be - wet and colourful these days. I am working further on my big project of Bellerophon vs. the Chimera. Some of you might know that this project is on my table for some years now. In fact it is even a comission and I am really happy that the comissioner is a very cool guy, not putting any pressure on me, knowing that the day will come when my interpretation of this myth will come to life.
As I am doing photos of the birth and progress of the project once in a while you can bet that I have a big collection of the last years.
It is indeed funny to look back and see where this all started:
... and where it went during the past- I always say a project has its right time to see proper progress and sometimes it is very important to stay put to this saying. At least in my personal case:
All is still in WIP, and of course the paintwork, but progress is on. Bellerophon rose on his steed to slay that beast of Chimera. Can't wait to bring some paint on him and integrate him in the overall picture. I will have a bigger article on this project coming up and explain what I did here and there.
I am working on finishing the Eskimo Fisherman sculpt by Romain van den Bogeart and I know for myself that not much is missing before I call him done, but sometimes like in the last days it is hard to find the exact moment of finishing the model. I was searching for it, did not find the mood of relaxation to paint him to finish. I tried and tried, but sometimes trying and searching for it won't work. Life taught me that again in the last couple of days.
So, yesterday while taking photos of finished miniatures by Hasslefree (Hasslespree again!) I sat down and took the WIP Fisherman too into the photo session, knowing that he is not yet finished. That was a good idea as I see now what and where I want to improve and push further:

More to come soon, but first I have to find the right moment or mood to get my brush to final work on that big bust!
BTW you can win some of those Hasslefree's at the moment via facebook jungle lottery - you have to share this photo to be part of the lottery!
Stay tuned and keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes,
Is that a scale75 yellow I spy in the background? how are you finding them? I have the Black / White set. Thor brown and Mojave White are definitely my colours of the week.
I'm planning on picking up some VMC and P3 at Darkmessiahs class this weekend to try them out but they will have to work very hard to beat my beloved S75
Yes, it's a Scale75 yellow back there, good eyes, Sir. I do test the metal and gold set and the skin and inktensity at the moment. I do like them and will write a proper review about them as soon as tests are completed. I still do a lot with my VMC and also want to test some P3 in the future ... ahhh too many colours! Have fun on the class weekend!