posted by roman, jarhead, kong
These days i am really fast up to the review of the latest painting class we had last weekend in Erfurt.
First of all i want to do a big thank you to Steffen, who did make it all happen and the Tabletop Club Erfurt for this great location in an old Office building where we really had enough space to work with our tiny miniatures. My acceptance speech goes on and i want to thank the Tabletop Club again for their help beside the class when it comes to food and drinks. Big thanks to Steffen again for giving us a place to sleep really good and for his hospitality. Raffa, muchas gracias for driving the italian stallion wagon to Erfurt in such a precise and safe way, also for your photos and your help during the class. Thanks to everyone who sent me his photos :)
The second big thank goes to those who did participate in the class. This painting class was really a small class, as there have been only 9 participants. It made me a bit sad that we were only that much, as the Erfurter Tabletopclub has around 50 members - 2 of them did participate. I guess some thought they would not be something to learn when i do a beginners painting class - in my eyes there is always something to learn - for example, if I stop learning something in my beloved passion i'll quit. Whatever, 9 great Participants had their fun during this weekend and i want to tell you about that now...
This was our place to be - you see there was plenty of room :)
We did start our class with a lot of Theory blabla on Friday and Saturday. Some did for sure think, how could this be? So much theory and why do we start painting so late on Saturdays. I know there is a lot of Theory but everyone was happy with it when it came to painting. The theory helps to understand the techniques explained and brings a lot of sense to everything, even beyond the weekend. I can't talk only about the practical technique as there is always a greater thought behind everything, as i said often enough: everything goes hand in hand, like Hansel and Gretel... sorry for the unsharp photo...
Meanwhile beside all the blabla, we did clean up the models and after some base theory and practical exercises we all build up a base for our demon ladies - here you can see the results so far - thanks to those wonderful participants for taking attention to make photos of the progress all the time... you can click those miniature photos to enlarge them if you are intrested:
We went outside priming... me again talking and explaining. Even here it did come back to the theory about zenithal light, it all goes hand in hand :) - ouchy, sometimes my girlfriend tells me that i really look like a gorilla, a small one, haha:
After everything was prepared for painting we had a bigger explaining session about my painting techniques, different colour consistency, instruments like brushes and wet palette. For me it is always important to show the reason behind things to the particpants, if you know why you can do something this way or another way it feels better and makes Happy Painting more joyful... here are some photos of the practical hours we had during Saturdays...
We started with painting up our bases first... not completly until finish as this goes hand in hand again with finishing of the model itself...
Now it was up to the Happy Painting Padawans to go at their miniatures, we always did some helpful talk after the painting sessions to work ourselfes from chaotic to detail and i must say you guys really did very well, as there again have been some really early beginners in the class... here are the first impressions i got from your models as we had a talk about them on my workbench. I was again fascinated how you did understand the theory and worked your way to a big BÄM! ... sometimes i really wanted to cry because you all did so well and so beautiful bases, your colour choices on your models, your ideas behind it and your attitude that did grow during the painting class...
Here are some more impressions of the class during the days, progress of the models, stuff around the class, Raffa did find some weathering inspiration outside... and so on, i know everyone likes photos, even some have been made beside the class (thanks to Christopher for his additonal photos!):

For sure we did make a group shot in the end... first of us:
We had several goes trying to get a good picture but somehow most of them looked like this, haha - everyone doing something else, some simply disappeared completly missing... Edit: We have been two evil smokers on that photo, but i am good in hiding :)
This one is actual the best i guess:
Here is an overview over the miniatures at the end of sunday. I am always a bit sad on Sundays when time runs out and free painting time has to move for explanation time... if i estimate you guys had about 5~6 hours of pure painting time, a lot of learning meanwhile... I was really impressed what you did in this short time and i really was fascinated how you described to me what you think of the class afterwards... very impressive answer: Growing your own ability of self-help... here are the class results of this beginners painting class, click t enlarge - i am very proud of you guys:
I was no painting a demonette again on the class, in fact i did paint on several models to exlplain my way of painting, here goes a shot of the models i had with me on the weekend. The freehand start on the dark Elf was yesterdays chill out moment...
Raffa dressed as the casual Painting Class burro ;)
So far from my review of the painting class in Erfurt, again thank you very much to those who did participate and had their fun. It was my pleasure hosting this class in Erfurt. It was a wonderful weekend full of "BÄM!", "Oha!", "Oh No" and "ahh yesss"... thanks to you... always remember, don't watch a movie while painting, simple listen to good music!
Keep on happy painting!
PS: This Review is already linked up into the Article navigation on the left upper navigation area!
These days i am really fast up to the review of the latest painting class we had last weekend in Erfurt.
First of all i want to do a big thank you to Steffen, who did make it all happen and the Tabletop Club Erfurt for this great location in an old Office building where we really had enough space to work with our tiny miniatures. My acceptance speech goes on and i want to thank the Tabletop Club again for their help beside the class when it comes to food and drinks. Big thanks to Steffen again for giving us a place to sleep really good and for his hospitality. Raffa, muchas gracias for driving the italian stallion wagon to Erfurt in such a precise and safe way, also for your photos and your help during the class. Thanks to everyone who sent me his photos :)
The second big thank goes to those who did participate in the class. This painting class was really a small class, as there have been only 9 participants. It made me a bit sad that we were only that much, as the Erfurter Tabletopclub has around 50 members - 2 of them did participate. I guess some thought they would not be something to learn when i do a beginners painting class - in my eyes there is always something to learn - for example, if I stop learning something in my beloved passion i'll quit. Whatever, 9 great Participants had their fun during this weekend and i want to tell you about that now...
This was our place to be - you see there was plenty of room :)
We did start our class with a lot of Theory blabla on Friday and Saturday. Some did for sure think, how could this be? So much theory and why do we start painting so late on Saturdays. I know there is a lot of Theory but everyone was happy with it when it came to painting. The theory helps to understand the techniques explained and brings a lot of sense to everything, even beyond the weekend. I can't talk only about the practical technique as there is always a greater thought behind everything, as i said often enough: everything goes hand in hand, like Hansel and Gretel... sorry for the unsharp photo...
Meanwhile beside all the blabla, we did clean up the models and after some base theory and practical exercises we all build up a base for our demon ladies - here you can see the results so far - thanks to those wonderful participants for taking attention to make photos of the progress all the time... you can click those miniature photos to enlarge them if you are intrested:
We went outside priming... me again talking and explaining. Even here it did come back to the theory about zenithal light, it all goes hand in hand :) - ouchy, sometimes my girlfriend tells me that i really look like a gorilla, a small one, haha:
After everything was prepared for painting we had a bigger explaining session about my painting techniques, different colour consistency, instruments like brushes and wet palette. For me it is always important to show the reason behind things to the particpants, if you know why you can do something this way or another way it feels better and makes Happy Painting more joyful... here are some photos of the practical hours we had during Saturdays...
We started with painting up our bases first... not completly until finish as this goes hand in hand again with finishing of the model itself...
Now it was up to the Happy Painting Padawans to go at their miniatures, we always did some helpful talk after the painting sessions to work ourselfes from chaotic to detail and i must say you guys really did very well, as there again have been some really early beginners in the class... here are the first impressions i got from your models as we had a talk about them on my workbench. I was again fascinated how you did understand the theory and worked your way to a big BÄM! ... sometimes i really wanted to cry because you all did so well and so beautiful bases, your colour choices on your models, your ideas behind it and your attitude that did grow during the painting class...
Here are some more impressions of the class during the days, progress of the models, stuff around the class, Raffa did find some weathering inspiration outside... and so on, i know everyone likes photos, even some have been made beside the class (thanks to Christopher for his additonal photos!):
For sure we did make a group shot in the end... first of us:
We had several goes trying to get a good picture but somehow most of them looked like this, haha - everyone doing something else, some simply disappeared completly missing... Edit: We have been two evil smokers on that photo, but i am good in hiding :)
This one is actual the best i guess:
Here is an overview over the miniatures at the end of sunday. I am always a bit sad on Sundays when time runs out and free painting time has to move for explanation time... if i estimate you guys had about 5~6 hours of pure painting time, a lot of learning meanwhile... I was really impressed what you did in this short time and i really was fascinated how you described to me what you think of the class afterwards... very impressive answer: Growing your own ability of self-help... here are the class results of this beginners painting class, click t enlarge - i am very proud of you guys:
I was no painting a demonette again on the class, in fact i did paint on several models to exlplain my way of painting, here goes a shot of the models i had with me on the weekend. The freehand start on the dark Elf was yesterdays chill out moment...
Raffa dressed as the casual Painting Class burro ;)
So far from my review of the painting class in Erfurt, again thank you very much to those who did participate and had their fun. It was my pleasure hosting this class in Erfurt. It was a wonderful weekend full of "BÄM!", "Oha!", "Oh No" and "ahh yesss"... thanks to you... always remember, don't watch a movie while painting, simple listen to good music!
Keep on happy painting!
PS: This Review is already linked up into the Article navigation on the left upper navigation area!
Hope you all have had a great time. I am looking foreward to find the time again to join a workshop with you banana guys...
Damn, why wasn't I born in Germany? :/
Who's that silly looking guy at the last pic ;-)
I hope you all had fun, just as I had at "my" Jarhead painting class. Must be great having him and silly Raffa nearly for your own.
We definatly had an interesting and fun weekend. I learned a lot and I am really glad that I took the opportunity and joined the workshop.
It was a impressive experience. At the moment I can't stop to paint on my workshop mini! And I'm not the only one who is smoking on the group picture ;)
It would be my pleasure to welcome you again :)
I am still up to the plans about a class in Poland, when the time is ready there will be talk about it :)
Raffa is not silly - Raffa is simply a weird genius :)
Thanks for such a great response...
Thanks for your additional photos, i have added them to the review - thumbs up! And i've also added the "Smoking-Information" and i will collect some time for your miniature at, when i have finished working on the Painting Class PDF Handout...
Love this great Demon-Cat :D When will GW release ist