posted by roman, jarhead, kong
This time it is about working with pigments on a base.
What exactly are Pigments?
What is really great about working with pigments is that they are dusty and bring in a dusty effect to your bases. You can even apply them as a glaze with water and they will dry out dusty again. This little article will bring you an insight on how you can work with Pigments. You can get Pigments from different manufacturers from our hobby or you can buy them in an art store in a much higher amount... You can even make your own pigments from stuff like rust or charcoal...
There are many colours of Pigments to get - pick your own choices and learn what you like by using them... Here is a small amount of those i use regularly:
Now how you can use them? I'll give this little example on the latest painted miniature by me, Weglaf of Arnholdt's Hill by Red Box Games. The pictures shown here are out from the constant progress on the miniature so painting is nowhere at an end while you are looking on these WIP-shots. This was the base colour of the base, something really bright, no idea what it was, haha:
I then glazed the base with a lot of brown, greenish inks and washes to get some depth and direct the colour to which it'll go in the end. I've also highligheted parts which are hit be the zenithal light, also i have attached some MiniNatur grass pieces to it.
Now it was time to use the pigments. I choose to use some brigher orange ones first. To add them in a dusty look there is nothing to it. Just pick up an old big brush, bring some of them on a tissue to get them from, take care not to have too much on your brush and now simply tip them at the places you want them to have. Some kind of dustbrushing, somehow equal to drybrushing but more tippy, tippy... yeah, no one gets what i mean i guess... dabbing is the word I was searching for.
Next i choose some darker red/orange ones to bring them on - same way... to intense areas i want to intense.
I still wanted more and took a mix of the so far used pigments mixed with black pigments - yeah, you caneasily mix them. Dabby, dabby, dabby... i mean dabbing :)
I still rework some areas after such a procdure, bring out a light here and there, hit some brighter edges and so on. The final result can look like this! Here are some other examples on where pigments have been used - you can also sometimes hit the legs, cloak of a miniature if you want to show that the dust is not only at the base - less is more, i always have this problem that i not often have the control to listen to this voice in my head... already mentioned above, you can hit them at your base as a glaze, thinned with water, they will dry out dusty again. For sure your pigment work always influances the overall colour scheme, always keep this in your mind...
Final words
I often use pigments, often in the middle of the process as this is a fast way to get things done or see some progress in time. As told i do rework areas often when pigment work went out of control to get some details back. Very intresting is that you you can remove them with a high amount of water if you really did something totally wrong.
When you have an accident with pigments at your home, don't try to clean it with a wet rag. you will do scream and increase the accident even more - take your vaccuum cleaner!!
When using them on display miniatures there is not really the need to fix them as the models should only be touched on the socket. Know that they don't fall off easily, you got to use force to bring them away. If you use pigments on your gaming models i recommand to you that you use a Pigment fixer (for example the product by MIG).
Hope this article helps and was fun to read... try it to increase your fun while painting!
Keep on happy painting!
This time it is about working with pigments on a base.
What exactly are Pigments?
What is really great about working with pigments is that they are dusty and bring in a dusty effect to your bases. You can even apply them as a glaze with water and they will dry out dusty again. This little article will bring you an insight on how you can work with Pigments. You can get Pigments from different manufacturers from our hobby or you can buy them in an art store in a much higher amount... You can even make your own pigments from stuff like rust or charcoal...
There are many colours of Pigments to get - pick your own choices and learn what you like by using them... Here is a small amount of those i use regularly:
Now how you can use them? I'll give this little example on the latest painted miniature by me, Weglaf of Arnholdt's Hill by Red Box Games. The pictures shown here are out from the constant progress on the miniature so painting is nowhere at an end while you are looking on these WIP-shots. This was the base colour of the base, something really bright, no idea what it was, haha:
I then glazed the base with a lot of brown, greenish inks and washes to get some depth and direct the colour to which it'll go in the end. I've also highligheted parts which are hit be the zenithal light, also i have attached some MiniNatur grass pieces to it.
Now it was time to use the pigments. I choose to use some brigher orange ones first. To add them in a dusty look there is nothing to it. Just pick up an old big brush, bring some of them on a tissue to get them from, take care not to have too much on your brush and now simply tip them at the places you want them to have. Some kind of dustbrushing, somehow equal to drybrushing but more tippy, tippy... yeah, no one gets what i mean i guess... dabbing is the word I was searching for.
Next i choose some darker red/orange ones to bring them on - same way... to intense areas i want to intense.
I still wanted more and took a mix of the so far used pigments mixed with black pigments - yeah, you caneasily mix them. Dabby, dabby, dabby... i mean dabbing :)
I still rework some areas after such a procdure, bring out a light here and there, hit some brighter edges and so on. The final result can look like this! Here are some other examples on where pigments have been used - you can also sometimes hit the legs, cloak of a miniature if you want to show that the dust is not only at the base - less is more, i always have this problem that i not often have the control to listen to this voice in my head... already mentioned above, you can hit them at your base as a glaze, thinned with water, they will dry out dusty again. For sure your pigment work always influances the overall colour scheme, always keep this in your mind...
Final words
I often use pigments, often in the middle of the process as this is a fast way to get things done or see some progress in time. As told i do rework areas often when pigment work went out of control to get some details back. Very intresting is that you you can remove them with a high amount of water if you really did something totally wrong.
When you have an accident with pigments at your home, don't try to clean it with a wet rag. you will do scream and increase the accident even more - take your vaccuum cleaner!!
When using them on display miniatures there is not really the need to fix them as the models should only be touched on the socket. Know that they don't fall off easily, you got to use force to bring them away. If you use pigments on your gaming models i recommand to you that you use a Pigment fixer (for example the product by MIG).
Hope this article helps and was fun to read... try it to increase your fun while painting!
Keep on happy painting!
Nice tutorial, thanks :) Hopefully I will use some of your advises next week on my current WIP. Lets see how the Forgeworld Pigments work.
With kind Regards :)
Awesome stuff again Roman!
You can also use methylated spirits to lock in the powders
Great article! I definitelly must try to use some pigments. Thanx for sharing
Hi! Usually I use pigments from MIG, could you told us some other brands?
thanks ^_^
Ps: I love your "pigmented" base, very inspiring
How do I need to use Pigment fixer? Doesn't it ruin the process because its liquid? I have bought pigments and the liquid but I am not sure how to use it.
I have never used Pigment Fixer myself - just use a little piece of plastic garbage and test it - feel invited to share your experienche - i would guess that nothing will ruin the effect. Let me know ...
@topic: fixing the pigments
I recommend to delute the pigments not only with water but "Vallejo Matt Varnish", about 1-2 parts water and 1 part varnish. Spray Fixative always influences the other painted areas, as you can't limit to the the pigmented areas, but with this varnish the pigments still look dry but grip to the miniature really well.
One addition: use the varnish/water mix only on your brush and then take off the pigments, at least as long as you don't want to have a very plane area.
I found a very nice video tutorial, explaining the basic use of varnish in this context:
Fixing your pigments can also be done with turps, just let the pigments suck up the turps.
Pigments can be mixed with pastes like Magic Sculp. Personally I use Magic Sculp mixed with pigments to make up my groundwork. No need to paint it, I do shade and highlight of course, and should a bit chip off this won't show as it is the same colour.
Mixed with varnish it's great to "paint/dab" mud effects on your figures using a small old brush.
Mixed with over 90% of turps they can be airbrushed too. This is especially usefull for dusty effects, which IMO are hard to get with paints only.
Take care,
Hi there! As a finishing touch I have used pigments from Vallejo and then used pigment fixer from mig. Unfortunately it dried very glossy - not the effect I was looking for :( Does it happens to you as well? Do you know I maybe did something wrong or is there a better fixer than mig that does not dry glossy? Just to describe the process, I have put pigments and then put a drop of fixer on it and it looked like a lot maybe too much?
Sounds like you used too much. I had this issue too once. Best thing is placing fixer not on top of pigments but beside them and let it get sucked it. It will flow into the pigments. What you can do to remove the shine is using a matte varnish to spray on top via airbrush. Several matte varnishs outthere, we tried several but best without changing colors or greying out seems to be at the Moment the one from AK interactive called Ultra matte Varnish ... hope this helps.
Thank you for a quick answer, I will try to use less of it and put it beside the pigment.