posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Aloa Junglevisitors,
again it is time for a Painting Class Review.
In fact this was the last painting class for the year 2012 and I was in Austria again, in the beautiful city of Vienna. First of all I want to thank "Big Hand" Michael for organising a truely cool weekend. Without his help and effort the class would not be as great as it was. A deep Kong Fu Bow to you! Many thanks to "WOW Keepers" from Vienna, which in fact is a big tabletop gaming club for allowing us to use their dungeons and a big gratitude to all the participants who took part for the first or the second or the third or the fourth or the fifth time ;)
At second place I want to thank Andi and Waltraud for hosting me for the days and for the nice gaming evenings that I did really enjoy a lot. Another big thank you goes out to the gang of Graz, especially to Andi and Kurt for helping me with individual training of this truely big class. It was the biggest class I ever had as far as I can remember and so after Raffa did not find the time to join I was happy to have both of them with me - and of course they did an outstanding job. Thanks to Adam for coming from the UK, it was nice to have you at the class. Massive Thanks in all directions!
A big thanks to PK-Pro and for providing the class with material. Another big time special thanks goes out to VALLEJO for sponsoring a big package of colours, sprays and much more to use at the class. Thanks Michael for the time you did put in managing this.
I also want to shout out special thanks to a handful of participants for writing up their personal view and experience of the class- you can find them here in german or austrian language:
We did meet up on Friday night and prepared everything, like always you would think and I thought too, BUT there is a special feeling I did recieve about Vienna and its people. They have such a unique humor and really made me jigglewiggle with their sense of dark and ultrafunny humor from the first second one. Surely this grow more intense during the weekend, but it was already there at the beginning.

Friday night passed by with preparing the figures, theory about way too many things and building up a base which was - my guess - the most joyful part to the participants ...
Saturday arrived quick and I was happy no one got left beyond and everybody was ready to start in the most exhausting day. Brave women and men I met there, standing calm and ready to have a day of painting filled with at least 12 hours.
We were priming in the rain ...

Time passed by and we painted, painted, painted and we did fail sometimes with new techniques and difficult areas on the figure and Saturday night was no party night. It was more an exhausting night, but truely without having failures while painting there is not much to learn. Little mistakes happen with a reason, big ones scare me to death, for example the one figure that jumped the plank while snoozing and took a bath in the painting water. I told my brave group that Sunday will bring back happy painting and it did ...
Sunday took a while and much was shown ... projects rise to an end and time cut off the final works on the projects. So the figures were done from Saturday noon until Sunday afternoon. I got for you some shots of the final figures on Sunday night and even the whole group was still able to laugh on Sunday late afternoon when we did the group shot of us. Sadly we were not able to take shots of all figures as some had to leave in time ...
All in all it was my pleasure to hold this class in Vienna, the city of "Schnitzel" and the city of truely funny miniature painters. Thanks to everybody for this cool weekend and I hope you paint and paint and paint so your muscles grow bigger and well yeah, Adam from the UK won the sword!!!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Aloa Junglevisitors,
again it is time for a Painting Class Review.
In fact this was the last painting class for the year 2012 and I was in Austria again, in the beautiful city of Vienna. First of all I want to thank "Big Hand" Michael for organising a truely cool weekend. Without his help and effort the class would not be as great as it was. A deep Kong Fu Bow to you! Many thanks to "WOW Keepers" from Vienna, which in fact is a big tabletop gaming club for allowing us to use their dungeons and a big gratitude to all the participants who took part for the first or the second or the third or the fourth or the fifth time ;)
At second place I want to thank Andi and Waltraud for hosting me for the days and for the nice gaming evenings that I did really enjoy a lot. Another big thank you goes out to the gang of Graz, especially to Andi and Kurt for helping me with individual training of this truely big class. It was the biggest class I ever had as far as I can remember and so after Raffa did not find the time to join I was happy to have both of them with me - and of course they did an outstanding job. Thanks to Adam for coming from the UK, it was nice to have you at the class. Massive Thanks in all directions!
Vallejo Sponsoring ... wow!
me preparing something
A big thanks to PK-Pro and for providing the class with material. Another big time special thanks goes out to VALLEJO for sponsoring a big package of colours, sprays and much more to use at the class. Thanks Michael for the time you did put in managing this.
A beautiful boo ... owl!
Inside the dungeons ...
I also want to shout out special thanks to a handful of participants for writing up their personal view and experience of the class- you can find them here in german or austrian language:
We did meet up on Friday night and prepared everything, like always you would think and I thought too, BUT there is a special feeling I did recieve about Vienna and its people. They have such a unique humor and really made me jigglewiggle with their sense of dark and ultrafunny humor from the first second one. Surely this grow more intense during the weekend, but it was already there at the beginning.
A blue lady ...
A lady in red ...
deep at night, deep down in the dungeons ... a strong light at the end of the tunnel ...
me preparing again ...
the dungeon of daylight lamps ...
shadow on the wall ...
me preparing again ... I have no idea what I prepared there,
maybe I tried to get control of a smelling base back :D
Friday night passed by with preparing the figures, theory about way too many things and building up a base which was - my guess - the most joyful part to the participants ...
Saturday arrived quick and I was happy no one got left beyond and everybody was ready to start in the most exhausting day. Brave women and men I met there, standing calm and ready to have a day of painting filled with at least 12 hours.
We were priming in the rain ...
Prime time ...
Base painting time ...
Blood Bowl gang in preparation ...
still time to laugh ...
still ...
But then, suddenly evil mummy said: "Paint!"
Figure table ...
me prep sth again ...
Oh I missed, painted my thumb instead of the figure ...
I was not prepared well I guess ...
"I will not do what the mummy told me!"
Sure about that?
Howling wulf ... wooooo!!!
Time passed by and we painted, painted, painted and we did fail sometimes with new techniques and difficult areas on the figure and Saturday night was no party night. It was more an exhausting night, but truely without having failures while painting there is not much to learn. Little mistakes happen with a reason, big ones scare me to death, for example the one figure that jumped the plank while snoozing and took a bath in the painting water. I told my brave group that Sunday will bring back happy painting and it did ...
Blue is the new red ...
The team grows ...
and the wolf still howls ...
... while others explain with hands and feet what they think of me preparing all the time ...
me preparing something again ... as my base still smells like death :D
Sunday took a while and much was shown ... projects rise to an end and time cut off the final works on the projects. So the figures were done from Saturday noon until Sunday afternoon. I got for you some shots of the final figures on Sunday night and even the whole group was still able to laugh on Sunday late afternoon when we did the group shot of us. Sadly we were not able to take shots of all figures as some had to leave in time ...
All in all it was my pleasure to hold this class in Vienna, the city of "Schnitzel" and the city of truely funny miniature painters. Thanks to everybody for this cool weekend and I hope you paint and paint and paint so your muscles grow bigger and well yeah, Adam from the UK won the sword!!!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
it was a great weekend for me. a special thank to kurt for his personal coaching, because i have to leave the workshop earlier because i have to reach my train to lower austria.
i'll be back... :-)
Nice review, and seems that most if not all got their models finished in a day! Wowzers!
Am hopeful to join such a workshop in the future to expand my palette of skills!
i have to say, i really learned a lot about colours, paintingtechnics and building up a cool socketbase. A truly epic weekend full of paintingadventures. I think roman gave "us" the right kickass to motivate us all. The "Schmäh" was running all the time that all has its sense when something happens.thanks to morgaine who gave me a pill against my headache. The Endspurt of the workshop was really exhausting, a lot of painting, painting and painting, the brain was cooking ;) At the End i was very happy with my result and i painted the best mini ive ever done. Now i´m working on two new socketbases because its fun :)and its all about the "malerwartung". thanks to this and lets get it on next year again. lg Jürgen
looks like fun in the hobbybunker ^^
Regards Steffen
Thanks for the review and of course the whole weekend!
I licked the top of my graphics tablet stylus at school on Monday, hard to get out of the habits of one weekend, I guess..
Looking forward to the next one next year!
Your painting classes are:
-packed full
-lots of different people
-very well organized
What a pity you don't speak italian ;)
Thanks to you all for the kind feedback ...
I can try :)