posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Good Morning Jungle visitors,
another Miniatures Unpacked rolling in.
This time it is more a "Material Unpacked" but let's have a look together.
Today I will have a closer look on
Tables for Painting
by the polish company Hobby Zone.
I was pretty corious on what arrived at the studio, a big but not heavy box which included two small and one big box again.

Good Morning Jungle visitors,
another Miniatures Unpacked rolling in.
This time it is more a "Material Unpacked" but let's have a look together.
Today I will have a closer look on
Tables for Painting
by the polish company Hobby Zone.
I was pretty corious on what arrived at the studio, a big but not heavy box which included two small and one big box again.
The boxes contained (info taken from the company webpage):
Professional Paint Station
Size: 60 cm x 40 cm x 8 cm Professional three row table for painting miniatures and models, can also be used as a modeling position. Dimensions: 60 cm
Paint Stand
Size: 42,5 cm x 18 cm x 9,5cm
Paint stand is a perfect solution to keep order while painting models.
Large Paint Stand
Size: 60 cm x 23 cm x 14 cm
Large paint stand is a perfect solution to keep order while painting models
Raffa and I started unpacking the Professional Paint Station first and let me tell how the first moments of doing it felt after showing you the first impressions:
I first was shocked about the work ahead, but that is just something reasoned by my lazyness, maybe.
No just kidding. I was looking forward to build it up and was happy I found the instructions needed, already prepared some PVC glue:
After some seconds of preparing everything I was already whining and Raffa jumped the boat to help me because he feared my McGyvering skills in combination with the glue. Together we managed to start. It is not that hard but as I felt this day just wasn't my day of glory.
For the first goal ahead we had to prepare the single parts. The material is a hard cardboard, it's not heavy and easy to handle, IF your name is not Roman, the destroyer. There are some thin parts which have to be put in place gently and I broke one pretty quick.
Raffa then showed me how I can gently work with my hammer (this truely sounds ultraweird) and we managed to get everything in place without further complications caused by the cardboard berserk. Therefore we used the PVC glue like described in the manual to fix these spots. The next steps where bringing the prepared parts together like described in the manual.
As you can see in the picture above it is truely a real hobby table, you can easily carry it to another place if you are in need to clean up your table after painting, put colours, brushes, tools on it. Truely nice. You even can bring on to side arms to storage even more or put your WIPs while painting. In the end we did put it aside and put some heavy stuff on it to let the PVC glue dry.
I really like the professional paint station with all its option but after putting it to my workbench I found out that is kind of too big for me as Raffa is sitting close to me and he somehow got distracted by it. So we talked and talked and found ourselves unpacking the smaller boxes to build up the Paint Stand and the Large Paint Stand. We found this solution better for our working table, if there would be no Raffa I would have used the Pro one, but as we are a team and look after eachothers ideas and thoughts I brought the smaller ones in place.
Both of the paint stands are pretty easy to handle while building, not that complex like the pro one, even the pro one is simple if you are not Roman, the destroyer. What I did in the end with the 2 paint stands is - I primed them black.Wohow why you might think? I personally was too distracted by seeing so much white on my table, in front of me, where I paint, where I concentrate on colors. So I just primed it black and now I am really happy with my workplace.
If you are searching for a nice solution to store your colors and stuff on your workbench I really can recommand Hobby Zone products to you. They have different seized solutions where you can find your prefered one for sure. The products are not expensive and I really recommand to give them a try.
High quality for a low prize and you'll be an even more happy painter after the construction if you don't destroy things as easy as Roman, the destroyer does.
This looks as a piece of quality and the prices are absolutely fair.
Thanks for showing Roman.
This time it is more a "Material Unpacked" but let's have a look together.
painters edmonton
edmonton painters
Don't order from HobbyZone Poland! I ordered some organizers over 2 and half weeks ago and I still haven't received what I ordered. I contacted HobbyZone customer service and so far they have been very unhelpful. Hobby zone keeps blaming the shipping company. I contact the shipping company and they haven’t even received my order for shipping yet. The fact is I ordered some organizers, Hobbyzone took my money and after over two weeks I have seen nothing! HobbyZone said I have to wait up to 3 months for my package to arrive before they will issue a refund. What a joke!