posted by roman, jarhead, kong
At the moment I am planning a painting class in Paris / Versailles, France,
together with the FIG78 Team
in early September 2012
in english language, with french translation available.
- before further detail plans are forged -
we ask you if you are interested in taking part in the class?
The class is timed over one complete weekend,
starting on Friday night til Sunday.
It is my - Roman aka jarhead's - Beginner's class,
that does not mean it is for beginners only.
It is an introduction in my way of thinking, working and painting.
The class is hardcore structured and is not only watching me paint something with little explanation,
instead it is further more - some described it as an eyeopener,
from starters in painting to professional cracks.
If intrested in some reviews of the classes of the past,
The miniature we all paint is a GW's Demonette as it serves perfect
to combine the content of the class without being stuck to a colour scheme,
the class itself will guide you to understand whatever colours you will paint.
Are you interested in getting to know the true power of magic voodoo painting
and enjoy the spirit of Happy Painting over one weekend?
Let us know via comment here in the jungle
or sent an email to fig78team---at---googlemail---dot---com
or sent an email to fig78team---at---googlemail---dot---com
to help us plan and organise this weekend for you!
The cost for the whole weekend is usually 105,00 € for classes in Germany.
We are trying very hard to keep this price. We can't promise not to raise it a little bit,
because of travelling costs, but we will be able to say more as soon as we know if
there are people interested and we are starting to organise it in detail.
Feel invited to let us know what you think and ask if there are questions!!
Please feel free to link this information up to your forum or show it to your friends
to get this going straight forward!
Please feel free to link this information up to your forum or show it to your friends
to get this going straight forward!
I am totally interested in a session in France!
I assume Roman that you talk about the session we plan in our team : Fig78 ;)
Well, this could be a nice opportunity since I don't speak German and as far as I know most of the classes are in. Also in September I expect having quite more time free so I would like to join!
This is also a good opportunity since it's in franch, close to home and during a month of vakation! (finishing secundary school)
There's very high chance's I'll be there. I'll affirm when you' ve arranged a set date.
Hi Roger, Hi Fig79... I think Roman talk about the session we plan to do closed to versailles in our place.
there is place remaining, I have actually 10-11 pre booked, thus you could attend without any problem.
Let's roman confirm this, and I can give you my contact detail to summarize a bit the seats bookked
See you
Francois Fig78
Oooooopppsssssyy ... FIG78
Updated! :D
Too much going on inside my head :D
;) no problem Roman...
thus I made a post on our blog for this also.
Please in order to summarize all the people ready to come, send me an email at
Definitely interested!!
I will stay tuned to see how this plays out... XD
Hope to read that it is a "GO!"
Thomas P.
Hi Roman,
I'm very interested in this. There's surprisingly few classes like this in the U.K and this would be a great opportunity to learn. I look forward to hearing more about it!
Hi guys,
just to let you know, already 12 attendants in the list I got.
16 people will have a seat due to our room limitations.
Please, if you wish to be contacted directlty by mail when official registration will start, contact me at
I am really.. more than happy that we could do it, and glad to host this painting class.
Thanks again Roman, I will let you know when we will reach the full booked class.
See you
Francois (the host;) )
At leat a class in english! Is a place to sleep included in the price? I might travel from Sweden for this one, depending on the final price and if I have to find a hotel or not.
come teach us in America!! Please
I really interess with this stage for Beginner !!! I paint a lot but have a lot of bad habits !!!So...
If you can tell us the date in a few it's perfect for take some holiday.
No place left, i'm in the waiting list, so desapointed !!! Must find a another Bithday gift...
I sent an email but no answer