posted by Peter, Baphomet
Hey all,
I think this will be the last WiP-posting till the project is finished... time is running out and every posting need too much time ;) still a lot to do and as it is the nature of all last minute-projects, I just see my mistakes and not the good parts...
After phases of frustration I see the end of the line :) if there happens nothing special (collapsing cabinets, evil ovens and something like that) I think I can finish it by time...
Weekend was one of painting and time for relaxing... I just left home to buy cigaretts and so I´m really afraid to turn into a hermit if I can´t finish the diorama soon... but I by neglecting social contacts I was able to get on with the miniatures and you can see the actual state on the pictures below... two of the barabrians are nearly completed (the third will be tomorrow), the Minotaur just needs some more hours to finish the details (hair, legs, weapon, skulls, leather and wood)...
Today I mainly worked on the base and as I needed to speed up with it I had to break a pomise I gave to Raffa... I used oil colourst to get on with the flagging (I tried it with acryl but got mad with it)... hope he accepts my apologies and I don´t have to sleep on the balcony when I´m at his place ;)
So here are the pictures...
Hope you like them :)
Hey all,
I think this will be the last WiP-posting till the project is finished... time is running out and every posting need too much time ;) still a lot to do and as it is the nature of all last minute-projects, I just see my mistakes and not the good parts...
After phases of frustration I see the end of the line :) if there happens nothing special (collapsing cabinets, evil ovens and something like that) I think I can finish it by time...
Weekend was one of painting and time for relaxing... I just left home to buy cigaretts and so I´m really afraid to turn into a hermit if I can´t finish the diorama soon... but I by neglecting social contacts I was able to get on with the miniatures and you can see the actual state on the pictures below... two of the barabrians are nearly completed (the third will be tomorrow), the Minotaur just needs some more hours to finish the details (hair, legs, weapon, skulls, leather and wood)...
Today I mainly worked on the base and as I needed to speed up with it I had to break a pomise I gave to Raffa... I used oil colourst to get on with the flagging (I tried it with acryl but got mad with it)... hope he accepts my apologies and I don´t have to sleep on the balcony when I´m at his place ;)
So here are the pictures...
Hope you like them :)
Can't wait to see it all come together ... really a cool project!
very nice, love the atmosphere !
I love the colours on the base! How did you manage to get that effect? It looks awesome.
I just wanted to type the same Roman already did...;-) so in this case I just say: "Dito" get the scene together, love it already ;-)
PS: I still wonder how you constructed the "basefilling" underneath....;-)
Wow, awesome project! Can't wait to see it on the weekend!
Superb as alway!
One thing though - I can't find out where the three warriors come from, what range or manufacturer in specific. If you could rely that information I would be forever grateful to you. And if you have done so in your posts before, please have mercy upon my dumbness.
Thanks guys :) your nice words make it easy to keep on painting tonight and to find the strengh to finish the diorama soon!
@ Weisern: it´s quite simple: I used a mixture of (GW Foundation) Astronomicon Grey and (GW) Dark Angels Green as basics, quite rough highlights by adding (GW) Bleached Bone... after that I used Oil colours (Olive and White) for the lights and Brown/Black for the outer shadows... hope it helps :)
@ Anonymous: the warriors are made by Tre (Red Box Games): :)
I am really enjoying watching this come together Peter. GREAT concept!
You´re almost welcome Tre´ :) if you like you can use the pictures for your shop... just send me a mail (baphomet[at]massivevoodoo[dot]com) and I will send you some pictures of the finished miniature (before and after I placed them on the base)
Many thanks Peter, unfortunately though those figures are no longer available. It is still CERTAINLY a great work and a great flattery for me that you include my pieces in your efforts.
Ah, using oil paints. Cool, thanks :)