posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Let's start this post with some german Hip Hop.
German Hip Hop?
Usually I am not a big fan of most of todays german rap, even it is my mother language.
I often feel english a better language to communicate in songs, as it seems english language can transport more detail with less words. So german Hip Hop is pretty rare in my Playlists - sorry to all who are not able to talk german and might not understand that song - it mainly tells about the importance of going your own way of life everyday ...
It is getting cold in Germany
I found the following recently on facebook:
Some Berlin guys are helping the homeless with a bus that collects them and takes them to warm places. This is a quote of the text, german only again, sorryio:
"An alle Haudegen & Haudeginnen aus Berlin wer bis zum 31.03 Nachts Obdachlose auf Strasse schlafen seht ruft bitte diese Nr. an: 0178/523 58 38 dann kommt der Kältebus vorbei, um sie vor dem Kältetod zu bewahren. Gleich die Nummer einspeichern...!!! Bitte postet das weiter Kältebusse gibt's in jeder größeren Stadt...!!! DANKE EURE HAUDEGEN"
They are telling about a so called "Bus of Cold" that everyone can call if they see someone help- and homeless. They will come to pick him up and bring him to a safe place. They also tell that this pick up is available in every bigger town in Germany. This means you can also help. If you see someone who needs your help, stop walking and call that number to get more information.
A little preview on two upcoming articles I am documenting during work - maybe you discover due the photos what this might be about?
Did I say two articles?
Can you imagine what they are about? - guess from the last WIP Shots that are shown. They start at "Documentation". Hit the comments, be the first with both the right answers and you'll get a jungle present :)
Let's start this post with some german Hip Hop.
German Hip Hop?
Usually I am not a big fan of most of todays german rap, even it is my mother language.
I often feel english a better language to communicate in songs, as it seems english language can transport more detail with less words. So german Hip Hop is pretty rare in my Playlists - sorry to all who are not able to talk german and might not understand that song - it mainly tells about the importance of going your own way of life everyday ...
It is getting cold in Germany
I found the following recently on facebook:
Some Berlin guys are helping the homeless with a bus that collects them and takes them to warm places. This is a quote of the text, german only again, sorryio:
"An alle Haudegen & Haudeginnen aus Berlin wer bis zum 31.03 Nachts Obdachlose auf Strasse schlafen seht ruft bitte diese Nr. an: 0178/523 58 38 dann kommt der Kältebus vorbei, um sie vor dem Kältetod zu bewahren. Gleich die Nummer einspeichern...!!! Bitte postet das weiter Kältebusse gibt's in jeder größeren Stadt...!!! DANKE EURE HAUDEGEN"
They are telling about a so called "Bus of Cold" that everyone can call if they see someone help- and homeless. They will come to pick him up and bring him to a safe place. They also tell that this pick up is available in every bigger town in Germany. This means you can also help. If you see someone who needs your help, stop walking and call that number to get more information.
Check, if you have such an initative like this in your town too!
A little preview on two upcoming articles I am documenting during work - maybe you discover due the photos what this might be about?
Did I say two articles?
Can you imagine what they are about? - guess from the last WIP Shots that are shown. They start at "Documentation". Hit the comments, be the first with both the right answers and you'll get a jungle present :)
Keep on happy painting!
icicles and tattoos?
In some cultures, Tatoos are not just painted on the skin. You can feel it when you put your hands on them. Maybe you're trying to achieve this effect on the rhino using the plastic putty. ;P
Tattoo of some kind. My second guess would be Rust with paint.
is the first one- tribal scarification
second one- icicles?
Little Hairs and Tatoos ;-)
I love your work, Roman. The Rhino is great. The details of the animals I think it's wonderful.
Regards, Fran. One of the cursed monkeys.
Henna tatoos using a toothpick, & icicles using fishing line + vallejo water effect ;o
Great work anyways, best regards
PS: im quite jealous of this rhino mini...
Tattoos, and dried mud on the skin like animals in Africa do to clean theirselves.
Raised tribal scarification? And Icicles.
Its easy, you give the Rhino his Mike Tyson tattoo ;-)
scar Tattoos!! and a little bit dirty in his horn?!
German language is "heavy" and..... i cant describe sorry :p
I LOVE Snowgoons music, and when German rap goes its very nice even i dont know even 1 word what he says
The Tribal scarification is quite obvious and brilliantly done! I love it! Just need a bigger miniature to be able to try it. Couldn't get my hands on one yet :(
As you've already got an icicle how-to, I would go for a thin crust of ice AND a little rust on them icicles. When I was a kid we had a little wooden hut in our backyard and the icicles kind of sucked varnish and dirt as well as rust out of the wood and metal parts.
looking forward to seeing more pictures
Loving the look of the sentinel roman. it looks great with all the rust and iceicles. look foward to seeing it finished.
Seems not that easy!
All with the scars tribal tattoos are right on this one!
The other is still not yet answered right! This is not easy I got to say :)
Thanks a lot for your comments - both of the projects will still take some days, that is for sure as I am getting close to half of the icicles I want to do. Good to see that some do know which articles you find the article section and sort out. Jungle is proud of ya!
Is it the scars/tribal tattoos and the hair on the Rhino ears?
Scar tribal tattoos and making deep snow with some kind of putty?
For sure the second one is about how to clean your desk when it's a real mess :D
Articles about icicles, rust, snow, using human hair are anyways already done.
Or maybe airbrushing a vehicle, using real animal bones on a base?
Tatoos and pooh ?
Anyway, great job as usual ! I love hairs on the ears...
I would have said also hair on the hear of the rhino with putty and black paint !
-Scarification marks - tutorial
-Aero Schminke Inc - tutorial
How to create snow with plastic putty and tribal painting?
scars tribal tattoos and how to make a ladder i think because it is written on a piece of paper at one of the photos
regards Kurt
You got it, Mr. Holmes!
It is the tribal scar tattoo thing and a ladder on the Sentinel.
Jungle surprise is yours! :)
Snowgoons rocks - thanks for that link ...