posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Aloa Jungle friends,
Raffa and i, we had been to another painting class last one week ago. As i am very busy these days with projects and visits by friends this might get my shortest review ever i guess.
First i want to say big, big thanks to Eric for a wonderful place to sleep and Andy for helping to organise the weekend full of colours in Dillingen-Saar, Germany. We have been stationed in Andy's great shop, Dragonlordgames and had a bit colour and miniature party there. Many thanks to everyone who was brave enough to attend - as i've heard at the class at least everyone had his fun and learned something. Really, believe me - it's all there just open your eyes and stay patient at your brush. Also Anci, Raffa's lady was with us and i am very thankful to have you both as friends. Many thanks for your help during the weekend.
Thanks to those who supported this review with their photos - i did not really made much and Raffa was busy too as you all have seen, usually he is the big Paparazzi - i hope you enjoy those following.
Some Impressions:

For sure we got a group photo of all the painted workshop miniatures and the gang themselve. I feel very sorry that i am so busy these days - the big project needs big attention. I can only say from the heart that i am happy and thankful that there are people intresting in the things i can tell as there is much blaburb that i can talk all day long ... many thanks it was my pleasure!
The gang's all here:
Always paint from the heart and do it with joy and learning will come from itself... I am looking forward to see you again someday as it was my pleasure in Dillingen - some soon at the upcoming Duke of Bavaria - oh dear, i gotta work and hurry ...
Keep on happy painting!
Aloa Jungle friends,
Raffa and i, we had been to another painting class last one week ago. As i am very busy these days with projects and visits by friends this might get my shortest review ever i guess.
First i want to say big, big thanks to Eric for a wonderful place to sleep and Andy for helping to organise the weekend full of colours in Dillingen-Saar, Germany. We have been stationed in Andy's great shop, Dragonlordgames and had a bit colour and miniature party there. Many thanks to everyone who was brave enough to attend - as i've heard at the class at least everyone had his fun and learned something. Really, believe me - it's all there just open your eyes and stay patient at your brush. Also Anci, Raffa's lady was with us and i am very thankful to have you both as friends. Many thanks for your help during the weekend.
Thanks to those who supported this review with their photos - i did not really made much and Raffa was busy too as you all have seen, usually he is the big Paparazzi - i hope you enjoy those following.
Some Impressions:
For sure we got a group photo of all the painted workshop miniatures and the gang themselve. I feel very sorry that i am so busy these days - the big project needs big attention. I can only say from the heart that i am happy and thankful that there are people intresting in the things i can tell as there is much blaburb that i can talk all day long ... many thanks it was my pleasure!
The gang's all here:
Always paint from the heart and do it with joy and learning will come from itself... I am looking forward to see you again someday as it was my pleasure in Dillingen - some soon at the upcoming Duke of Bavaria - oh dear, i gotta work and hurry ...
Keep on happy painting!
Also der rundum rote Raum flasht mich mal vollends weg. Ansosten scheint es wie auch bei unserem Workshop im März ein Heidenspaß gewesen zu sein ;-)