posted by roman, jarhead, kong

This miniature unpacked is about the new Anglo Saxon Huscarl by Romeo Models in Scale 54 mm.
I allow myself to quote the text of the historical background Romeo Models got on their site in here so you can get a better feeling of the model. I hope a quote is ok, if not and anyone feels disturbed please let me know via mail and it will be deleted. Quote starts now:
"The Battle of Hastings (14 October 1066) was the decisive Norman victory in the Norman Conquest of England. It was fought between the Norman army of Duke William II of Normandy and the English army of Harold II.[1] The battle took place at Senlac Hill, approximately 6 miles northwest of Hastings, close to the present-day town of Battle, East Sussex. Harold II was killed in the battle—it is traditionally said that he was shot through the eye with an arrow. Although there was further English resistance, this battle is seen as the point at which William gained control of England. The term "huskarl" has its first meaning as "man of the court" (hus - court, karl - man, peasant etc). In England the first meaning of the word was replaced by another - mercenary. In England huscarles represented a kind of professional soldiers. That was a very powerful and very closed organization. Huscarles were the bone of anglosaxon army in 11 century. In viking's army huscarles were a guard, bodyguards of king.
The first written mention of "huscarles" appeared in 1000-1018 in northern Europe (in Yomsborg, Baltic sea). Thet were also called as "tingamannen", mercenaries. English kings and nobility hired them very often and they became a real power in England in 2nd half of 11 century.
the main weapon of huscarl was sword. There were 4800 men in usual anglosaxon army. Usually every earl had 200-300 huscarles as his best warriors. Huscarles were noble men and they were really appreciated by english lords.
Sculptor: M. Bruno
Painting: D. Ruina
Historical Researh: G. Marseglia"
The models price is 26,00 €.
It is worth every cent.
After i did read some great books about this period of time by Bernard Cornwell named "The Saxon Chronicles" i fell in love with this model the first time i saw it. The model arrives in a typicall wonderful hard coverbox, you get those by Romeo Models and Pegaso Models. This is how it looks when you got it in front of you:
When you open the box it looks like this - I did forget to take a photo of the paper sheet which tells you about the Huscarls historical background, sorry i did forget that - here you go, opened box without the text paper:
When you take a closer look at all the different parts it looks like this (you can click on the picture to make it way big for you to see all the details):
It contains of 9 parts, 8 are on the picture. I completly missed the base while unpacking and photoshooting, upsi. There is a nice base additional to the model, catching his pose. It contains of following parts:
- Base
- Main Body with head
- Axe
- dagger
- long sword
- shield
- 2 cloak parts
- Arms
After preparing the model you can start building it. I would recommand pins and glue to the model to its maximum unbreakableness. Romeo Models already prepared a some of them into the sculpt and it fits together very easy. Really nice system, but as said before pinning the model should be for perfect prepearation to avoid horrible moments in the future. Following you can see the areas i speak of:
Also the shield, sword, axe+hands and dagger are fixed that way.The cloak comes in 2 parts and would be a bit of struggle for those not used to the preparation. Maybe it is just me but i always try to hold such parts together to understand them better and everytime i do first i do it wrong, haha. It is not easy first, but it soon gets easy when you hold it in your hand. I had to fill one gap at the cloak, nothing more on the model:
The model istself is highly detailed. The pose is not very dynamical at all. I would call that classic, somehow dynamic due its elegance and quietness in the movement. Nice one. So i built up a base for him on my own with some roots and stuff, and pinned that Huscarl up:
Painting is still in the Progress and so far i can say it makes a lot of fun, but the face is not easy for those untrained not much room to do brushwork.
Hope you liked that review.
Keep on happy painting!
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This miniature unpacked is about the new Anglo Saxon Huscarl by Romeo Models in Scale 54 mm.
I allow myself to quote the text of the historical background Romeo Models got on their site in here so you can get a better feeling of the model. I hope a quote is ok, if not and anyone feels disturbed please let me know via mail and it will be deleted. Quote starts now:
"The Battle of Hastings (14 October 1066) was the decisive Norman victory in the Norman Conquest of England. It was fought between the Norman army of Duke William II of Normandy and the English army of Harold II.[1] The battle took place at Senlac Hill, approximately 6 miles northwest of Hastings, close to the present-day town of Battle, East Sussex. Harold II was killed in the battle—it is traditionally said that he was shot through the eye with an arrow. Although there was further English resistance, this battle is seen as the point at which William gained control of England. The term "huskarl" has its first meaning as "man of the court" (hus - court, karl - man, peasant etc). In England the first meaning of the word was replaced by another - mercenary. In England huscarles represented a kind of professional soldiers. That was a very powerful and very closed organization. Huscarles were the bone of anglosaxon army in 11 century. In viking's army huscarles were a guard, bodyguards of king.
The first written mention of "huscarles" appeared in 1000-1018 in northern Europe (in Yomsborg, Baltic sea). Thet were also called as "tingamannen", mercenaries. English kings and nobility hired them very often and they became a real power in England in 2nd half of 11 century.
the main weapon of huscarl was sword. There were 4800 men in usual anglosaxon army. Usually every earl had 200-300 huscarles as his best warriors. Huscarles were noble men and they were really appreciated by english lords.
Sculptor: M. Bruno
Painting: D. Ruina
Historical Researh: G. Marseglia"
The models price is 26,00 €.
It is worth every cent.
After i did read some great books about this period of time by Bernard Cornwell named "The Saxon Chronicles" i fell in love with this model the first time i saw it. The model arrives in a typicall wonderful hard coverbox, you get those by Romeo Models and Pegaso Models. This is how it looks when you got it in front of you:
When you open the box it looks like this - I did forget to take a photo of the paper sheet which tells you about the Huscarls historical background, sorry i did forget that - here you go, opened box without the text paper:
When you take a closer look at all the different parts it looks like this (you can click on the picture to make it way big for you to see all the details):
It contains of 9 parts, 8 are on the picture. I completly missed the base while unpacking and photoshooting, upsi. There is a nice base additional to the model, catching his pose. It contains of following parts:
- Base
- Main Body with head
- Axe
- dagger
- long sword
- shield
- 2 cloak parts
- Arms
After preparing the model you can start building it. I would recommand pins and glue to the model to its maximum unbreakableness. Romeo Models already prepared a some of them into the sculpt and it fits together very easy. Really nice system, but as said before pinning the model should be for perfect prepearation to avoid horrible moments in the future. Following you can see the areas i speak of:
Also the shield, sword, axe+hands and dagger are fixed that way.The cloak comes in 2 parts and would be a bit of struggle for those not used to the preparation. Maybe it is just me but i always try to hold such parts together to understand them better and everytime i do first i do it wrong, haha. It is not easy first, but it soon gets easy when you hold it in your hand. I had to fill one gap at the cloak, nothing more on the model:
The model istself is highly detailed. The pose is not very dynamical at all. I would call that classic, somehow dynamic due its elegance and quietness in the movement. Nice one. So i built up a base for him on my own with some roots and stuff, and pinned that Huscarl up:
Painting is still in the Progress and so far i can say it makes a lot of fun, but the face is not easy for those untrained not much room to do brushwork.
Hope you liked that review.
Keep on happy painting!
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