Posted by Picster, Raffa, Capuchin...

Here's my current work in progress project :)
It's the minotaur from Allen, it's a real joy to paint, no unneccesary details, superbly sculpted muscles....
First i wanted to paint him in an indian style with a red dot on the forehead and henna tattoos but then i found out only women wear the red dots and so i gave him the God of War tattoo as i think it perfectly fits him :)
Here's another picture with the whole body.

Today will be a wild posting day so prepary yourself ^^
EDIT: I made a newer picture, this guy is going fast :)
Here's my current work in progress project :)
It's the minotaur from Allen, it's a real joy to paint, no unneccesary details, superbly sculpted muscles....
First i wanted to paint him in an indian style with a red dot on the forehead and henna tattoos but then i found out only women wear the red dots and so i gave him the God of War tattoo as i think it perfectly fits him :)
Here's another picture with the whole body.
Today will be a wild posting day so prepary yourself ^^
EDIT: I made a newer picture, this guy is going fast :)
The metallics are splendid. Is there a chance to see a tutorial about them in the near future? Would love that :).
Looks already very freaaaaaky!
That skin colour is lovely !
Ok, when this ain't gonna be a 9.5 or higher on CMON...Metall is perfect in my opinion and the skin looks flawless too! I especially like the light on the sixpack-great job man!
I want a tutorial!
TM is really cool!
I'm gonna start a TM-Tutorial Petition. Great :).
ur best mini so far... you ve really reached the upper league .... within 1 year... congratz
Holly COW! :D
Sweeet Cow(abunga) ;-) duno if I like the red stripe Do you know when they are going to sell that "monstercow" miniature? By know I couldn´t find it ;-(...damn I want that cow.. ;-)
What more can i say than i simply love your stuff in every inch?? I have no idea what else, really...
I`m not the greatest fan of the sculpt but your painting really rocks. Skin is fantastic and this fiery red tattoo is a pretty cool idea and it looks damn good. Thumbs up!
I want a tutorial,too...pleas,especially the metal is absolutly fantastic
I love the sculpt itself and I love how you painted it!!! Even so far the best mini I've seen in a loooooooooooooooong time.
Really awesome!
Sorry for "little" necromancy, but i love this guys and i just have to ask for the skin recipe, after i saw this guy i just can't paint my beastmen in other scheme than this one :). I realise that it's been few years and u may not remember everything but any clue about colors would be awsome.