Hello fellow miniature painters,
before this article can be read by you I have to say three things.
First one: Don't forget to check if you won the BeesPutty.
Second one: This afternoon the winners of the Stamp it!-Quest will be announced.
Third one: Please be a little more patient with the big step by step of "the Nightwatch".
Now it is time to head for another little article MV's year of the painter brings to you, without voting for it. During the last painting class and in several mails I got asked lately:
"Roman, where and how do you find such cool roots for miniature basing?"
First of all let me say it is a cool thing to use roots from nature for your basing.
All you got to know about the use of wood from the forest for basing
can be found in this article.
Now let's have a look on where to look for such roots without having to push and pull out trees.
Important is that you go outside - not only out to your front door (but sometimes you can be lucky there too) - and use your eyes. Don't give up to easily if it takes more than five minutes to collect stuff you might need. Go with patience and joy. While my girlfriend and I were enjoying last Sunday on our bikes I found a good spot. Let me tell you about it.
Many people think lazy (no aussault included here at all), I do too sometimes. They think: "I need some roots, lets go to the closest tree and I will find some!" ... and yes you might find some, but often not the ones you are looking for. For our miniature hobby we need small, thin and superfine ones to ensure they fit to the scale of the project.
As I planned to find some you can say I was on the hunt and prepared myself with a plastic bag inside my bagpack for the case I'd find some. I saw some chopped trees and did not find any roots here, but I tried ...
After riding the bike a little longer I found a spot that caught my attention. Some tree stumps and trees that fell off and ripped out much of the groundwork. It was time to take out the plastic bag and do a little break :)
Having a closer look on that discovery it was clear this will take me a little while to fill up my plastic bag. Roots are pretty rare at the moment in our studio and it would be a good thing to fill up our supplies. I was also thinking about the next painting class ahead so the bag filled up close to its burst.
Another tip if you are out on the hunt for such delicate roots: Bring a forceps! You might encounter one particular root that you would like to have, but it is too strong connected to a bigger one or whatever. It just helps to be prepared. Make sure you can close your plastic bag properly before you put it back in your backbag, already a cable strap can help here.
Important is that you dry those roots, after taking them home. Wood changes its shape, when it dries - it shrinks and you won't that to happen if your colour is already on top of it. Your paintwork might be damaged. Also it is not a good idea to use superglue on wood that is wet (the same with soil). The amount of water and superglue will react together and an ugly smell will fill your nostrils around your workspace. That is definatly not healthy. If something like this is happening to you, do not breathe it away, rather leave the room for a while and open your window.
Weisern shows the option on how you can dry the roots in your oven.
Thanks for the add, Weisern!
We answered the "where" but what about the "how"?
Well, the "how" is not that hard to answer. Just keep your eyes open to your sorroundings. Open yourself to the thought of collecting stuff that you find on the street, in the forest or on another situation. Collect. You might be interested in the following article too:
Good luck on your hunt then!
Have fun outside and enjoy Spring and Summer, keep your eyes open to see what there is to see and find ...
before this article can be read by you I have to say three things.
First one: Don't forget to check if you won the BeesPutty.
Second one: This afternoon the winners of the Stamp it!-Quest will be announced.
Third one: Please be a little more patient with the big step by step of "the Nightwatch".
Now it is time to head for another little article MV's year of the painter brings to you, without voting for it. During the last painting class and in several mails I got asked lately:
"Roman, where and how do you find such cool roots for miniature basing?"
First of all let me say it is a cool thing to use roots from nature for your basing.
All you got to know about the use of wood from the forest for basing
can be found in this article.
Now let's have a look on where to look for such roots without having to push and pull out trees.
Important is that you go outside - not only out to your front door (but sometimes you can be lucky there too) - and use your eyes. Don't give up to easily if it takes more than five minutes to collect stuff you might need. Go with patience and joy. While my girlfriend and I were enjoying last Sunday on our bikes I found a good spot. Let me tell you about it.
Many people think lazy (no aussault included here at all), I do too sometimes. They think: "I need some roots, lets go to the closest tree and I will find some!" ... and yes you might find some, but often not the ones you are looking for. For our miniature hobby we need small, thin and superfine ones to ensure they fit to the scale of the project.
As I planned to find some you can say I was on the hunt and prepared myself with a plastic bag inside my bagpack for the case I'd find some. I saw some chopped trees and did not find any roots here, but I tried ...
Wrong place to search...
This is the wrong place too, I don't want to destroy such a beauty place ...
After riding the bike a little longer I found a spot that caught my attention. Some tree stumps and trees that fell off and ripped out much of the groundwork. It was time to take out the plastic bag and do a little break :)
Yay, that is what I was looking for ...
Having a closer look on that discovery it was clear this will take me a little while to fill up my plastic bag. Roots are pretty rare at the moment in our studio and it would be a good thing to fill up our supplies. I was also thinking about the next painting class ahead so the bag filled up close to its burst.
Another tip if you are out on the hunt for such delicate roots: Bring a forceps! You might encounter one particular root that you would like to have, but it is too strong connected to a bigger one or whatever. It just helps to be prepared. Make sure you can close your plastic bag properly before you put it back in your backbag, already a cable strap can help here.
Important is that you dry those roots, after taking them home. Wood changes its shape, when it dries - it shrinks and you won't that to happen if your colour is already on top of it. Your paintwork might be damaged. Also it is not a good idea to use superglue on wood that is wet (the same with soil). The amount of water and superglue will react together and an ugly smell will fill your nostrils around your workspace. That is definatly not healthy. If something like this is happening to you, do not breathe it away, rather leave the room for a while and open your window.
Weisern shows the option on how you can dry the roots in your oven.
Thanks for the add, Weisern!
We answered the "where" but what about the "how"?
Well, the "how" is not that hard to answer. Just keep your eyes open to your sorroundings. Open yourself to the thought of collecting stuff that you find on the street, in the forest or on another situation. Collect. You might be interested in the following article too:
and Storage solutions.
Good luck on your hunt then!
Have fun outside and enjoy Spring and Summer, keep your eyes open to see what there is to see and find ...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Thanks for the great hints! Seems to be a nice place for bicycle trips! But why are the photos so blurry?
Really nice article.
I really hope this will encourage people to see more trouble to make their bases more awesome;)
Yeah it was a great day on the bike ... why are the photos so blurry? Different reasons here and you can blaim me if you like: They were done with my mobile and recently I enjoy some photo filters directly from the mobile gallery program. I know not everybody likes that, I do at the moment and I am sure this is just a stage I need to live through until it gets less blurry again - Old men and smart phones from the future: bad combination :D
Thank you! Happy that you like the article! It is like that, mostly all what can be used for basing is already delivered by nature. We just got to keep our eyes open!
Raffa also reminds me all the time that I am acting like a 13 year old girl with those photo filters and he thinks this is sooo stupid. Believe me this will calm down again. It will, but I got to go through this stage honestly and enjoy what I do ... that's what I am, that's what makes me and it somehow fits as in my heart I am still a 12 year old boy :)
Maybe I am old too, but I rather like the photos :P They seem quite artistic!
And thanks for the article - I need to find myself some roots, and i think I know exactly the place ;)
Hi Roman,
First: Do You have any particular method of drying these roots?
Second: I like the photo filters.
Thanks for the feedback, about the article and the photos :)
First: No, I let them dry by air. Just put them in a box without a lid and let them be for a week or so. Store them in a dry sorrounding, don't place them where rain can make them wet again ...
Second: Thanks, good to hear that ... I still think it is just some stage of mine, we'll see what the future brings.
Air drying is the best as Roman said. My input on finding and drying roots:
Thanks for the add, Weisern.
I added your information and link to the article!
I had a dream last night where I was in a forest after a big storm and a lot of trees were blown over. I remember thinking that I should collect some roots, just like Roman said :)
Another option for scenery materials is food, like grapes. Buy the grapes. Eat the grapes. Then set aside the grape stems for a couple of weeks and they turn into twisty looking branches.
Ein sehr guter Ort für Wurzelfund ist die Bio Mülldeponie (Recyclinghof für Bioabfälle).
Dort gibt es , zumindest bei uns , einen extra riesigen Monsterhaufen der nur aus Wurzel und Wurzelstöcken besteht , für ungefähr die nächsten 500 Jahre Dioramabau.
Super, thanks!
How do we clean and dry the roots? The old link has expired