Ay finally,
we are about to find out who won the latest MV Quest.
Again, we want to thank everybody who took part with their great explorations and inspiring entries.
All I can tell while judging your entries is that the decision was not easy to find. Hard judging work as everyone of you who entered accepted the challenge with fire in their hearts. I already see everyone of you a winner, but unfortanetly it can not be that way.
Judging was done due the following aspects:
- Creativity of your entry
- Result of your favourite entry
Now who these three prizes, sponsored by CoolMiniOrNot?

1st Quest Winner:
Martin #6
MV says: "That idea is just brilliant, repeatable, unlike if repeated ...!"

2nd Quest Winner:
Need more Siesta #5
MV says: "Taking your slipper would not been a choice by us but the result
is very cool and unique! Brave one!"
3rd Quest Winner:
Dez #10
MV says: Simple but very surprising result, such a cool texture!
Congratulations to the winners!!!!
Well, we want thank all the participants again and hope no one is too sad that he did not place and we see you taking part in another one of our future quests. You all did very cool stuff and I believe this quest took away your fear of trying new things in your hobby. Believe me, if we could everyone would be a winner!
BUT WAIT ... there is a MV basing box with cool material to be won randomly by everyone who took part in the quest. Heading for random.org to find the lucky number from the twelve entries and the winner is: Lena #02!!
Information to all winners:
Please write an email with your postal address to jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com
and your prizes will be shipped within this or the next week, depending of your email drop in!
You can find the quest linked up to the event history.
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Your MV-Crew
Wow I am so excited! I am getting a cool surprise box! All the entries were so great, I loved the quest :)
By all the bananas in the jungle I swear I shall win one day!
Congrats to all those who won and cheers the rest of us who entered.
This is outrageous, how could I not have won with my great entry. Just kidding. Was a great quest and most importantly I learned a lot from it and from all the other entries. Thanks everyone and super thanks to you guys at massive voodoo. Keep it up and I am ready for the next one.
Wow! I can't believe... If there is a free branch in the jungle for visiting beings, I hope you let me/us stay in your great community. Just thank you, jungle people, the competition was really great, full of great ideas. Looking forward next one. Thanks a lot!
Congratulations to the winners! ^^