April arrived ...
WIPs will follow ...
progress on the Toad King conversion:
Also the CSM Lord is closing in to final touches ...
What else is happening?
Riding the bike, throwing some balls and throwing some colours on canvas ...
Spring is here, always a pleasure to meet him ...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
The Toad King must be very nice miniature. What about a tutorial 'How to paint frog's skin'? ;-)
Indeed he is. Funny one!
A Tutorial about Frog Skin would also come handy for me too :D
Well, let's see how my version goes. I am taking photos all the way so maybe in the future there will be a frog-skin-tutorial ...
I really like that Toad King mini, your conversion is looking great.
On the topic of funny miniatures have you come across Ax Faction. I am painting the lady riding a giant hare currently. Another great mini, I would love to see what you could do with it with your insane skills ;)