Hi Di Ho!
Every now and then you see something that simply makes you go: "WoooooWWW!!" and sends those satisfying sensations down your spine that make you very aware that you have just discovered not more nor less than a small piece of some authentic yet - to - come... True Future!
I had this Moment while contemplating the possibilities of the upcoming and extremely innovative light-field cameras for us Miniature Artists...
Just imagine zooming through a Miniature Project and deliberatively choosing which point you want to focus on and slightly tilting the angle... This kind of interaction is exactly what makes the difference between a Picture and a multi-sensorical experience that allows the "spectator" become a "manipulator"... and thus much more involved, more personal and immersive, nearly as a part of the whole Piece...
Just like in this old Image made with compiling many 'conventional' Images into one Sequence, now only without the slightly annoying and not controlable wobble.
With those new light-field Cameras you will be able to really feel the different depth of a Miniature Project and will truly help displaying one of the biggest advantages of Miniatures: The combination of spacial Setup (Volumes, sculpted Textures, Composition, etc.) and painted Textures!
So, The First Consumer Grade light-field camera will probably be the Lytro Illum... I really can´t wait to get my hands on one of those around August 2014... They cost around 1.500 US Dollar and it will be well worth the investment if it is true to it´s specs...
Its massive fixed lens sports a 30mm to 250mm range (giving it the equivalent of an 8X optical zoom), and its aperture is a constant f/2.0 for its entire zoom range (typically unheard of in DSLR lenses).
All in all, I think that that kind of new Technology will revolutionize and change the way we see and display Miniature Projects... I know already that I will have to re-shoot all of my main Projects for this amazing adaptive depth effect...
Make sure to check out the several different, interactive Pictures on their Website... I still have to find a way how to embed this kind of Clip in here...;)...
Lytro Website
What do you think? Gadget? Innovation? Comment below! :)
Every now and then you see something that simply makes you go: "WoooooWWW!!" and sends those satisfying sensations down your spine that make you very aware that you have just discovered not more nor less than a small piece of some authentic yet - to - come... True Future!
I had this Moment while contemplating the possibilities of the upcoming and extremely innovative light-field cameras for us Miniature Artists...
What is a Light-Field Camera?
Just imagine zooming through a Miniature Project and deliberatively choosing which point you want to focus on and slightly tilting the angle... This kind of interaction is exactly what makes the difference between a Picture and a multi-sensorical experience that allows the "spectator" become a "manipulator"... and thus much more involved, more personal and immersive, nearly as a part of the whole Piece...
Just like in this old Image made with compiling many 'conventional' Images into one Sequence, now only without the slightly annoying and not controlable wobble.
With those new light-field Cameras you will be able to really feel the different depth of a Miniature Project and will truly help displaying one of the biggest advantages of Miniatures: The combination of spacial Setup (Volumes, sculpted Textures, Composition, etc.) and painted Textures!
So, The First Consumer Grade light-field camera will probably be the Lytro Illum... I really can´t wait to get my hands on one of those around August 2014... They cost around 1.500 US Dollar and it will be well worth the investment if it is true to it´s specs...
Its massive fixed lens sports a 30mm to 250mm range (giving it the equivalent of an 8X optical zoom), and its aperture is a constant f/2.0 for its entire zoom range (typically unheard of in DSLR lenses).
All in all, I think that that kind of new Technology will revolutionize and change the way we see and display Miniature Projects... I know already that I will have to re-shoot all of my main Projects for this amazing adaptive depth effect...
Make sure to check out the several different, interactive Pictures on their Website... I still have to find a way how to embed this kind of Clip in here...;)...
Lytro Website
What do you think? Gadget? Innovation? Comment below! :)
I have to admit that I am very unclear if this camera would bring me any true benefits. The constant 1/2.0 seems very good but the whole camera seems like a real coloss and therefore like the try to replace a real DSLR. But compared to a usual DSLR I have only the one lense which has fascinating specs but also brings his weight. If the price was sub 500$ it may be intersting, but in this price range I would always go for a real DSLR and the lenses I need for my tasks. If I want to go for high detail miniature photography i can take a makro lense and a descent body for together sub 800$. But if I meet anyone who has this equipment I would happily test it out myself ;)
Those are valid points! And in actuality, the Technique to create those multi Depth Images is not really new, I am simply fascinated by the Idea to transfer it to Miniature Photography easily even on Miniature Conventions, with minimal setup...:)... You seem to know a thing or two about Cameras, which DSLR Body / Lens Combo would you recommend to get for taking high Quality Pictures of miniatures with? 800 Bucks sounds amazing!
An in focus shot and some plug-ins and you can get the same effect. What i like - and i'm sure what many of us would like is the instant gratification that comes from the camera. You get the effect with just the camera and no need to do hours of work after. Drooooool....
Hi di ho! Nice article! I know that Amazon has Lytro light field cameras that range from $150 - $250. Im wondering if one of these are worth experimenting with?
Wow that is amazing! I really hope the miniatures industry innovates with this, I would love to be able to explore the minis I see online with these depth of field tools :)
Nice idea to have multi Depth Images, but i think as the price is very high for that type of camera and not affordable for most people. The future may be in 360 videos (OK still not that cheap). one day maybe there will be a site like coolmini but with 360 videos to vote on and comment etc. I would set it up myself if i wasnt such a dummy with computers.
still a cool idea though i like it.
@Matt: My setup for taking high resolution pictures is a Nikon D90 body with the 40mm 1/2.8 macro lens. The body can be bought below 450 €, sometimes even at 350, the lense is about 220. Some quick example pics from my last painting project can be found there: http://www.tabletopwelt.de/index.php?/topic/120363-allg-galerie-xxiii/page-67#entry4180762 they are taken without an photo box which could extend the overall quality of the pictures but I think you get the idea. The mini is a 70mm and the uncompressed jpg of the face allows me to zoom into one eye before I can distinguish the pixels clearly.. If you are interested in the 5 MB jpeg just write a mail to specialist0815 at gmx dot de ;)