Ey Yo,
today I am able to present to you a figure that is special and will have a special role in the next weeks on MV. It is a great robot, build from a great robot-kit by Heroes and Villians Miniatures.
Special about this figure is that you - the MV readers - can win it.
Yes, unbelievable, eh? This will be a give away figure connected to our next bigger contest which drops in during the upcoming weeks. Yes this one, this painted version by Roman. We will let you know how, why and what'st that all about, soon! Please be a little patient, what I can tell you already is that the contest is in cooperation with the great guys from Heroes and Villians Miniatures, our spanish monkeybrothers from Cursed Monkeys and more! This sounds big, eh? And it will be!
There is also a little story about "the First One" and I will tell you a little bit about it.
More of the story will be revieled in the future.
Hope you like my version of this robot kit. I did some conversion on it, but I won't tell you more at the moment as MV's year of the painter will bring you a future Step by Step about this one too :)
I am also adding a little sneak peak about the Step by Step that also shows how big the project is in hand. Photo was taken during the progress, so still WIP on the photo.
You still don't believe that this will be a figure you can win?
I just can tell you - do it! We got even more suprises for you outthere when this crazy competition will be announced!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
today I am able to present to you a figure that is special and will have a special role in the next weeks on MV. It is a great robot, build from a great robot-kit by Heroes and Villians Miniatures.
Special about this figure is that you - the MV readers - can win it.
Yes, unbelievable, eh? This will be a give away figure connected to our next bigger contest which drops in during the upcoming weeks. Yes this one, this painted version by Roman. We will let you know how, why and what'st that all about, soon! Please be a little patient, what I can tell you already is that the contest is in cooperation with the great guys from Heroes and Villians Miniatures, our spanish monkeybrothers from Cursed Monkeys and more! This sounds big, eh? And it will be!
There is also a little story about "the First One" and I will tell you a little bit about it.
More of the story will be revieled in the future.
The First One
"He was constructed by the ForgeFather,
to be the first one outthere in the harsh Wasteland after the blasts.
The first one, to explore. He was the one who helped to fight the monstrous beasts,
which threatened the settlement. The first one to collect new material, help the ForgeFather
and to assure the survival of the settlement and its inhabitants. He who was the first one!"
Hope you like my version of this robot kit. I did some conversion on it, but I won't tell you more at the moment as MV's year of the painter will bring you a future Step by Step about this one too :)
I am also adding a little sneak peak about the Step by Step that also shows how big the project is in hand. Photo was taken during the progress, so still WIP on the photo.
You still don't believe that this will be a figure you can win?
I just can tell you - do it! We got even more suprises for you outthere when this crazy competition will be announced!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Wohooo... so excited :-D Again a fantastic piece. All those tiny, interesting details.
How did you make or where to get those cacti?
P.s. First comment btw. ;-)
This little one is really cool! I saw him live on the MV beginner's class.
What i really like it the story behind. When u hear itbthen you can feel it!!
Thanks for your kind comments - I am happy that you like the piece!
About the cacti, well that is a difficult story. I recently bought some 1:35 rest pieces in a forum marketplace, they arrived in a box with a lot of random 1:35 material and honestly, I have no idea which company makes them ...
Thanks :)
That. That is what I want to learn to paint in the private lessons later this month. That. Period. Done. Call it, cause it's figured out, and we have our topic. Done... don't need more reference photos anymore :)
Wonderful stuff! Love all the detail and the nice fluff.
The cacti looks like the ones from pegasus hobbies
@MR Lee
See it confirmed :)
Thanks! As said I do not know the manufacturer of the cacti, but I will have a look on the pegasus hobby ones. Thanks for the hint!
@Roman: Thanks :-)
A very good hint. Pegasus Hobbies provides two sets of cacti. Those should be it. At least from the pictures found via google-fu.
Thank you.
This one just oozes character out of every pore.... great just great.
It is precisely such pieces why Massive Voodoo is my most valuable source of inspiration.
Thanks for sharing.