this is definatly an unusual posting.
Florian, a really nice guy I met twice so far on my painting classes is building up such a cool 40k Orc Gaming Army. I pissed my pants as I had to laugh so hard when I first saw them and that is why I asked him if he would mind giving his cool army a little "spotlight" in the jungle. He agreed and sent me over some photos of his growing army.
Now what is so special about Florian's Orcs?
Easy to say: They are converted to Bavarian Orcs. Raw Bavarian Barbarians with tons of Bavarian Pride. They drink beer, they hunt boars and they love the colours blue and white. They are so cool.
Have a look on your own, see the lovely conversions and be inspired by Florian's positive madness. As Raffa and I are from Bavaria this had to be posted in here ...
Florian, I so much love these Orcs ... really, like I told you this is magnificant, true "boarische" madness! Rock on!
What do you think about Florian's Orcs,
let him know in the comments!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
this is definatly an unusual posting.
Florian, a really nice guy I met twice so far on my painting classes is building up such a cool 40k Orc Gaming Army. I pissed my pants as I had to laugh so hard when I first saw them and that is why I asked him if he would mind giving his cool army a little "spotlight" in the jungle. He agreed and sent me over some photos of his growing army.
Can you spot Florian?
Now what is so special about Florian's Orcs?
Easy to say: They are converted to Bavarian Orcs. Raw Bavarian Barbarians with tons of Bavarian Pride. They drink beer, they hunt boars and they love the colours blue and white. They are so cool.
Have a look on your own, see the lovely conversions and be inspired by Florian's positive madness. As Raffa and I are from Bavaria this had to be posted in here ...
Want some more?
And some Work in Progress ... the beer wagon!
Florian, I so much love these Orcs ... really, like I told you this is magnificant, true "boarische" madness! Rock on!
What do you think about Florian's Orcs,
let him know in the comments!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Thats great . Sauber sog i!! I love bavaria ...
Like to see a nice Orc-Dirndl !!
BW Silberlinge
In three steps to world domination:
Step 1: get featured by Massive Voodoo: check
I cannot say how happy I am to find my humble Orcs on your Blog. You managed to make me speechless. Maybe no excellent painting, but sure as hell happy painting. That's a very big motivation!
BTW: I'm still looking for suitable farm animals like cows, pigs and chicken. So if anybody got an idea, feel free to mail me: butch (a) redroosterracing.de
Greetings, Florian
OMG! This is hillarious! Very, very, VERY cool!
World domination is yours! :D
Ey Florian,
gibts vielleicht irgendwo noch mehr Fotos von denen?
Ich habe dich mal von dem Link unten aus verlinkt weil ich deinen Waagh super finde!
Those are great! I've had it on my to-do list for a while to paint up some orcs with regular flesh tones as a "break out of normality" thing... but someone's already done it and they look awesome!
Awesome. Great to see Orcs in a colour that isn't super bright GW cartoon green.
Thanks for your kind words! I really had a happy day yesterday.
As I am a P&P RPG Player since the early 80s, I always had my own imagination of orcs, and I always wondered why GW painted them green.
@ Anderas: viel mehr gibt es nicht, ich bin da erst seit letztem Sommer dran. WIPs der Umbauten etc. gibt es auf der 40K Fanworld von "Butch".