Good evening jungle,
well, today I finished my Hasslespree!!
I painted a couple of great Hasslefree Figures last week during two private coachings and today I did some final touches on the last ones of them. Truely amazing, characterful figures Mr. White sculpts.
Always a true pleasure to paint.
This one is called "Starplayer Rack" by me. He is not a regular GW's Blood Bowl figure but if you have a look on him you can see that his homecourt is the bloody and muddy fields. Even more he was Most Valuable Player in the last Bugman's World Championship ... can you imagine that? They say he flys like a butterfly, but stings like a bee ...
Keep on happy painting and read more about my Hasslespree soon!
Best Regards
well, today I finished my Hasslespree!!
I painted a couple of great Hasslefree Figures last week during two private coachings and today I did some final touches on the last ones of them. Truely amazing, characterful figures Mr. White sculpts.
Always a true pleasure to paint.
This one is called "Starplayer Rack" by me. He is not a regular GW's Blood Bowl figure but if you have a look on him you can see that his homecourt is the bloody and muddy fields. Even more he was Most Valuable Player in the last Bugman's World Championship ... can you imagine that? They say he flys like a butterfly, but stings like a bee ...
Starplayer Rack
Hasslefree, 28 mm
Keep on happy painting and read more about my Hasslespree soon!
Best Regards
Great! Hasslefree has a ton of great figures. Tons of character in that paint job too!
Hey Zab, thank you. Happy that you like him! Yeah, Hasslespree!! :D