it is time for some WIP-talk from my table again ...
Last one can be found here.
Well, really happy when I look in my cabinet these days as last week's private coaching left me with some finished models. Meanwhile I did finish the comissioned "Chaos Lord", a top secret project and a Ravenwing biker for an upcoming article about painting blacks (not only one guide to paint black, but good thoughts behind it) ...
You can even see a glimpse on a still WIP historical figure I am painting as well. Having my eyes on the road and enoying happy painting all around, but if I look at the Dwarf/Orc duel to the upper left I have to admit I am scared. This will be prepared to be shipped to its new owner, a collector from the US next week. I will remove the figures again from the base and pack it wisely. So far I tried to get around this task but there is no better moment coming ... it has to be done.
I found two Work in Progress photos of the latest finished Chaos Lord, but I already can tell you that he will be a part of the "black-tutorial" too:
My wolf-sculpt is growing, but last week I did not manage to sculpt on him very often. Proper Time will be taken at today's afternoon/evening after finishing a bunch of mail work from home.
Home. As good as the new studio feels it is sometimes needed to be at home. My cats - some of you might remember them from eariler posts on MV - Keiko and Momoko - are doing well ... lazy bunch.
Weather is fine. Taking the bike as often as I can and even bought myself a helmet. I always thought biking with a helmet is just for "people-who-want-to-look-stupid-while-biking", but honestly I am wearing my helmet with pride.
If I might have an accident, rather the helmet is broken than my skull, eh?
Feels good.
Nonetheless, the lamps in the studio are buring often these days ...
More WIP shots:
Keep on happy painting!
Leave a comment if you want to leave a comment :) - I am heading out for some Mailwork!
Best Wishes
Oh! i love that robot :)
That unpainted girl looks awesome who is she and where can I get her? :)
Man, I so worry about the arrows... Good luck for getting that vignette to the States safe and sound.
Have been waiting for robots in the jungle. I'm very excited about the color conversion.
Hurry with the Tutorial for painting black! I am about to paint 10 Ravenwing bikes
You will even love it more soon I guess :)
Unfortanetly it is one rare Ilyad Games figure again for my private collection. Sometimes you can catch some on ebay.
Yeah well ... horror-task it is indeed!
More will follow soon!
Well, I am planning this article for all of you since three or so months.Still need to do some other miniatures to really be able to tell you what I want to tell, so no hurry here ... sorry.