posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Thanks to Damien for such nice words and congratz to your throphy (but remember if trophies get too important the dark side of colours can approach you!):
"Hi Roman,
I don't like to brownnose, but i have to say think you to you and all the Massive Voodoo crew, you guys have been an inspiration to me, your tutorials very helpful and have helped me acheive my first ever demon. Thanks again mate
Thanks to Damien for such nice words and congratz to your throphy (but remember if trophies get too important the dark side of colours can approach you!):
"Hi Roman,
I don't like to brownnose, but i have to say think you to you and all the Massive Voodoo crew, you guys have been an inspiration to me, your tutorials very helpful and have helped me acheive my first ever demon. Thanks again mate
Thx and congratulations Damien!
grats - where can we see your creation ?