Hey lads!
as it´s so quiet in the jungle it´s time for a little picture-flooding.
I will show you some really old shit today, which was made in the times before I joined the jungle (so I declare it as new!). It´s for showing you my "progress" over the years. To be honest, after having a look at the pics it feels more like ups & downs.... but I´m very proud that I´m still doing my hobby with love and passion and have reached a level of qualitiy I´m really happy with.
If you have a look at the pics too, you will see that everybody of us needs/needed a lot of practice to reach the actual painting-level. Nothing comes without practice! I would have posted the pictures already but I thought the pictures were lost during a PC-crash some years ago...
You can imagine how happy I was to find the pics again and how interesting to study them. But before I show you my old stuff there are three things I would like to add:
SOOORRRYY for the crappy quality. In those days I only had a small camera and no real idea about taking good pics. Today I tried to pimp them as good as possible, but some pics were simply too bad to make a good collage... so there are sometimes only single-pic.
Our lord and master Zaphod I. wrote two very interesting articles on his blog:
- Review to Roman´s paintingclass in Hamburg (last weekend)
- Report about the Hussar-Competition in Poland (this weekend)
Two quick shots of my actual project. It´s developing very very slowly as there are some really important things I have to take care about before my mind will be free again.
And now the old shit :)
Juggernaut of Khorne (still one of my favourites, but sold :-/)- March 2009
Juggernaut of Khorne (little Tamiya accident) - April 2009
Thaex (will be repainted soon) - April 2009
Chaos Lord / Games Day Miniature - May 2009
Crom the Conqueror - late May 2009
Death Korps Commissar - late May 2009
Space Wolves Terminator - June 2009
Word Bearer (after 1/2 year break) - April 2010
Demonette (Jarhead Workshop after a 2nd break) - March 2011
Space Marine Primarch (present for a friend) - October 2011
Murmillo - killed via a horrible death by oven in late October 2011 - R.I.P
If I want to see pictures of old stuff, I look in the mirror :D
Nice, Peter ;) ^^
Ups ^^ not enough sleeps makes my mind careless...
Nice post Piotr, it's cool to see your progress in the pics too. Your painting really improved over the years.
And may your galdiator rest in peace.
Hey, thanks for the links to my blog :)
There can only be one Pjotr!
You've improved a lot over the years.
That said, I don't think you should repaint old pieces. Either preserve them as they are, or sell them, but if you want to repaint the same figure again, IMO it's better to get a new one than strip an old one.
Too often in the past I have stripped a figure to repaint it and then let it sit around collecting dust. That's negative progress! I've decided to stop stripping figures once they are finished, even if I could do a much better job of painting them today.
@ David: it´s not about stripping the model because I don´t like it anymore ;) it´s already stripped because there was a big crash of my cabinet in March in which parts of the mini were damaged (especially the head) and I had to change them.