Hi Di Ho!
All of the Massive Voodoo Monkeys went on some kind of Expedition recently and for me it was time to Dig Deep Down into that Jungle just to return with some Old Treasures from the Past...^_^...
After filming the Video for the Diorama it seemed like a Great Opportunity to put some older Projects up also, so they might be seen (and understood...) in a New Way from a lot more Perspectives... It also serves as an opportunity to tidy the Showcase up for some New, Upcoming Work (that is getting bigger and bigger lately...:D...), and to reflect on a couple of Aspects with some distance, so... Please drop me a Line if you are interested in Buying any of those upcoming Goldies and we can start talking about the Price (Bananas, Cookies, Krügerrand Coins, lot´s of them, uggghghhgg... I am not all that Greedy...:P...)...
This Weeks Diorama is my Project for the French Golden Demon 2009, which was held at the Parc Floral in the Beautiful Vincennes District in Paris... It was truly a Special Project, heavily condensed and the Beginning of a more "creative" approach to Miniatures (since it is mostly Scratchbuild...)... It is still one of my Favourite and personal Pieces...
One of the Strangest Things I have heard about it was the Interpretation of a Fellow Painter that asked why the Puppet Master Kills, Burns and Eats the Children in the Stove of his Ghypsie Waggon...o__O... I was not too happy with that Interpretation at all... Although I wanted to allow a very multi layered and kinda symbolic Imagery it was beyond my Imagination that it can be seen that way...:)... Guess I can be Happy that my Mind is twisted, but in an Optimistic, Good Way...:D...
If I would change One Thing About it: I would add an additional little Story inside the Base that can be seen through the Sewer Grid... Now it´s a Sad, Black Surface with not much going on... But yeah, the Rest came out Way Better then Expected...:D...
Here is the Link ...
The Videos will be released every Wednesday (because Wednesday lies in the Middle of the Week and therefore deserves a bit more Attention...:)...)...
Next Week´s Project will be a Rarely Seen Duel that I have not published so far, so stay tuned... Hope you enjoy the Show...:)...
Enjoy Your Week...^_^...
All of the Massive Voodoo Monkeys went on some kind of Expedition recently and for me it was time to Dig Deep Down into that Jungle just to return with some Old Treasures from the Past...^_^...
After filming the Video for the Diorama it seemed like a Great Opportunity to put some older Projects up also, so they might be seen (and understood...) in a New Way from a lot more Perspectives... It also serves as an opportunity to tidy the Showcase up for some New, Upcoming Work (that is getting bigger and bigger lately...:D...), and to reflect on a couple of Aspects with some distance, so... Please drop me a Line if you are interested in Buying any of those upcoming Goldies and we can start talking about the Price (Bananas, Cookies, Krügerrand Coins, lot´s of them, uggghghhgg... I am not all that Greedy...:P...)...
This Weeks Diorama is my Project for the French Golden Demon 2009, which was held at the Parc Floral in the Beautiful Vincennes District in Paris... It was truly a Special Project, heavily condensed and the Beginning of a more "creative" approach to Miniatures (since it is mostly Scratchbuild...)... It is still one of my Favourite and personal Pieces...
One of the Strangest Things I have heard about it was the Interpretation of a Fellow Painter that asked why the Puppet Master Kills, Burns and Eats the Children in the Stove of his Ghypsie Waggon...o__O... I was not too happy with that Interpretation at all... Although I wanted to allow a very multi layered and kinda symbolic Imagery it was beyond my Imagination that it can be seen that way...:)... Guess I can be Happy that my Mind is twisted, but in an Optimistic, Good Way...:D...
If I would change One Thing About it: I would add an additional little Story inside the Base that can be seen through the Sewer Grid... Now it´s a Sad, Black Surface with not much going on... But yeah, the Rest came out Way Better then Expected...:D...
Here is the Link ...
The Videos will be released every Wednesday (because Wednesday lies in the Middle of the Week and therefore deserves a bit more Attention...:)...)...
Next Week´s Project will be a Rarely Seen Duel that I have not published so far, so stay tuned... Hope you enjoy the Show...:)...
Enjoy Your Week...^_^...
Fantastic work and movie. Together with the music it gets a mystic impression. I can feel the fascinating power of the puppets for the children. This scene remembers me to the story and the movie of the wooden puppet pinoccio.
Thanks for your Blog
Always with best regards
Love it man! All your works are crazy and out of space! :D POZDRO ZIOM!
yeah, wednesdays are totally underrated, they deserve more attention. today i celebrated my wednesday with a nice sunrise trekking tour up a mountain. was just great.
cool to see some of your older stuff.