Hey everyone!
Deutsches Regelwerk!
Time for another big contest in the Jungle!
But this time we are not alone, we are sponsored and supported be Heroes & Villains Miniatures to bring you this unique painting contest.
The contest is over and we are showing all the entries round by round.
You can find the other rounds here:
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
And the first batch of the Random Prize Pool Lottery was given away:
Part 1
You will find these posted galleries of the entries linked up to the event section - click here!
Maybe, let's not start with a wall of text, but with a small comic strip I've done to get you in the mood...
Your job is to forge and build more robots!
They can be all kind of robots: Trash-Collector 2000, Crop-Harvest-o-Mat MK4, Autonomous Elder-Over-The-Street-Helper 2X4, Town-Guard-Bot III ... options are endless!
Just imagine this town and its needs and you will quickly find ideas for new robots.
Luckily the "First One" just brought in a new batch of robot parts:
Pick them up here!
And don't forget to use the secret coupon code "3086" to get some extra 10% discount!
This discount is only valid for 1 month!
When your bot is done, please put him up in the e-Brain activation line to soon be helping townsfolk!
And do you know what's best about being a part in the Forged Hope program?
If your bot makes it to line assembly you will win a robot for your home! How nice is that?!
Here are the prizes:
There is also a random prize pool lottery every participant takes part in by entering the contest.
Check this link to see the random prize pool!
Ok, now for some real rules:
- Create and paint a robot using the RK1 Outworld kit from Heroes and Villains Miniatures.
- You may add additional parts to your liking, sculpt or convert, but it must base on the RK1 kit.
- Contest is ending on 15-August-2014, 16 GMT.
- Send photos of your finished robot creation via mail to "picster (at) massivevoodoo (dot) com" using the subject line "Forged Hope Entry". Please include a piece of paper with yor robots name written on it on the photo for proof of ownership. You can use this template.
- You can send ONE entry per person.
- IMPORTANT: Please include your robots name and your idea of the job he does in the community, this will be part of your entry and will also be judged!
- Winners will be announced one week after the contest. All entries will also be shown in a post. Judging will be done by Raffa & Roman.
!!! Update:
- You are allowed to show work in progress photos
- The finished piece must not to be shown online before you got a confirmation mail after sending your entry to us!
- We will eventually show the photos here on the blog and on our Facebook page, if you are not ok with this, do not enter the contest ;-)
- Everybody is allowed to enter, except the judges and staff members of Heroes&Villians
- deadline stretched
I think that's it! Let's go!
If there are any more questions, post them in the comments and I try to include them in the rules.
Good luck and have fun!
Your Massive Voodoo Team!
Deutsches Regelwerk!
Time for another big contest in the Jungle!
But this time we are not alone, we are sponsored and supported be Heroes & Villains Miniatures to bring you this unique painting contest.
The contest is over and we are showing all the entries round by round.
You can find the other rounds here:
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
And the first batch of the Random Prize Pool Lottery was given away:
Part 1
You will find these posted galleries of the entries linked up to the event section - click here!
Maybe, let's not start with a wall of text, but with a small comic strip I've done to get you in the mood...
Your job is to forge and build more robots!
They can be all kind of robots: Trash-Collector 2000, Crop-Harvest-o-Mat MK4, Autonomous Elder-Over-The-Street-Helper 2X4, Town-Guard-Bot III ... options are endless!
Just imagine this town and its needs and you will quickly find ideas for new robots.
Luckily the "First One" just brought in a new batch of robot parts:
Pick them up here!
And don't forget to use the secret coupon code "3086" to get some extra 10% discount!
This discount is only valid for 1 month!
When your bot is done, please put him up in the e-Brain activation line to soon be helping townsfolk!
And do you know what's best about being a part in the Forged Hope program?
If your bot makes it to line assembly you will win a robot for your home! How nice is that?!
Here are the prizes:
First prize:
You have the chance to win this one-of-a-kind, converted and painted version of the RK1-Outworld done by Roman "Jarhead" Lappat.
Second prize:
For the second prize, you can win the original promotional paintjob version painted by Alex "Iguazzu" Varela.
Third prize:
And the third prize is this robot. Painted and converted by Raffaele "Picster" Picca.There is also a random prize pool lottery every participant takes part in by entering the contest.
Check this link to see the random prize pool!
Ok, now for some real rules:
- Create and paint a robot using the RK1 Outworld kit from Heroes and Villains Miniatures.
- You may add additional parts to your liking, sculpt or convert, but it must base on the RK1 kit.
- Contest is ending on 15-August-2014, 16 GMT.
- Send photos of your finished robot creation via mail to "picster (at) massivevoodoo (dot) com" using the subject line "Forged Hope Entry". Please include a piece of paper with yor robots name written on it on the photo for proof of ownership. You can use this template.
- You can send ONE entry per person.
- IMPORTANT: Please include your robots name and your idea of the job he does in the community, this will be part of your entry and will also be judged!
- Winners will be announced one week after the contest. All entries will also be shown in a post. Judging will be done by Raffa & Roman.
!!! Update:
- You are allowed to show work in progress photos
- The finished piece must not to be shown online before you got a confirmation mail after sending your entry to us!
- We will eventually show the photos here on the blog and on our Facebook page, if you are not ok with this, do not enter the contest ;-)
- Everybody is allowed to enter, except the judges and staff members of Heroes&Villians
- deadline stretched
I think that's it! Let's go!
If there are any more questions, post them in the comments and I try to include them in the rules.
Good luck and have fun!
Your Massive Voodoo Team!
Awesome! This contest in perfectly in line with my latest project! :)
Hi, do we only build or should we also paint it? ;-D
What a great idea for a contest - just ordered the robot parts :-)
It´s a pity shipping is +50% of the kit itself :(
@Thepaintingmage: "- Create and paint a robot" :)
@Prometheus: Yes, it's a lot :/
Maybe you can order together with some friends?
Yes, it's really too expensive... :-( Well, we have to build own robots anyway. Only it will make progress and bless the Forge Father... ;-)
Wow cool contest, I think I'm in. And great comic by the way...
That miniature kit looks an awful lot of fun, I may just take part in this.
Plus the competition ends on my birthday :)
This comic it`s a lovely inspiration , already ordered the bot . So hopefully we won`t let the first one , the last one .
OMG! That is awesome! Love it!
That comic! Much skill, such wow, very Raffa!
That one made my day :)
will this bot´s be available at HVB?
Awesome! I'm in.
That's a really awesome contest and dropps in perfectly. I wanted to paint a robot anyway (bought the one from Ammon Miniatures), but this set is a blast! Thanks for this opportunity and the great prices!
Everyone from germany could order his version right here with shipping costs of just 5€:
That comic is just too cool! Looking forward to the Madness this contest will - hopefully - bring. I hope Raffa and I have a lot of work to do as judges ... now what are you waiting for! Set some bolts thight!
Yeah I made up my mind, I'm in... Just ordered mine :)
Here we go ^^
The comic is awesome. I'd like to enter, but first I need to convince myself that 15 euro for shipping a 20 euro kit is ok. Stupid living a long way from everywhere.
I'm in :D agree pity about the postage but this just seems like so much fun I couldn't say no. I can't wait to see some of the enteries!! this could be the start of a new RPG/ Wargame. Which Would be totally sweeeet!
Well H&V has more awesome minis so if you think shipping is expensive for just 'one' miniature, buy more minis with it ;) Like I did. Hello Random Encounter! :D
This is so greate i am order it now.
I'm flashed, what a great idea! Since I read this many tiny robots dancing thru my brain. Now I have to get hold on the set.
Count me in. Couldnt resist.
Are only parts from the kit allowed? Or can I make an Awesome-O-Stomp-3000 out of Orc Stompa parts mixed with the kit parts? :D
Wow, such a good response! I hope to receive a lot of cool entries, the first one already arrived! :-)
@Sebastian: You can mix kits! :)
The postage is expensive - but im in! Glad there is a reasonable deadline, I have so many unfinished things, this should be fun!
We ordered a big lot as a group of 5, so the shipping is no Problem =) What a fun contest !
Too bad its €10 to ship from Spain to the Netherlands... Kinda insane actually... The models look good and its good that one kit allows you to make 2 models, and 3 if you do a little bit of extra work yourself.
Maybe you can find some friends too, like Andreas did ... that would make the shipping costs less "gnarg" ...
Today I'm sad!
I placed an order for the robot the 16th of april. 12 days after I always wait. If it's like my last experience with Knight Models, I will receive the figurine after the dead line...
My robo-part arrived yesterday so I am glad! :) I really hope yours arrive soon too Lilliputien.
Yesterday I was hppy!
I received my robot...
My Parts arrived! :)
Finally I can start.
The forge father is gonna be a busy guy, with all these robots to create and maintain :D Parts have arrived and my welding torch is at the ready!! LETS BUILD SOME BOTS!!
I still have not received my robot parts yet :( forge father is not happy with the delay in production. The human population is suffering due to the lack of support. Parts ordered and monies charged April 17th. Hopefully aid will arrive before this colony suffers great losses. Good luck to the rest of you!
great....the model is out of stock :(
Alternative route - still found some here:
Me and a friend wanted to participate but there are no more robots available :(
Hi, I just wanted to get clarification on the competition criteria.
Are contestants each to submit just 1 photo of their finished entry?
Or are they allowed to send several images, or a photo-collage showing different areas?
Rules saying: "Send photos of your finished robot creation via mail ..." so more than one photo please or a collage as you prefer.
Just got my entry submitted -- right before I have to board a plane home. Thanks for running the contest!
Good luck everbody, looking forward to seeing the entries!!! The Forge father has been a bust guy lol
Ah well, family life got busy, I wasn't able to complete my entry in time.
Such is life.
Good luck to everyone who got their competition entries in.
I'm really looking forward to seeing them :)