Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,....
Hey everyone...
Just a small moment before moving into my beloved bed (ohhh how hard it is to get out of it! I could stay in bed the whole day!).
Worked on the base and some conversion of my actual project a bit :)
Buuut enough words, here are some pictures... remind that the base is far from finished, especially the lower part.
Hope you like it and surely i'm open for feedback!
Hey everyone...
Just a small moment before moving into my beloved bed (ohhh how hard it is to get out of it! I could stay in bed the whole day!).
Worked on the base and some conversion of my actual project a bit :)
Buuut enough words, here are some pictures... remind that the base is far from finished, especially the lower part.
Hope you like it and surely i'm open for feedback!
hi nice work.
that piece of wood is real wood? looks pretty good where you get it?
looks awesome!
Awesome so far, but will you keep that cubic base? I think you should place the root on something really flat, so that the lower part almost touches the ground.
Thanks for the feedback :)
Yes, it's a real piece of wood i snatched from my fathers hobby room on christmas holiday... :)
@president: nonono, this will not be the final socket :)
Well now I want to know where you guys of massive-voodoo find all that wood piecies, roots and etc etc... I need to come in some of your forest to find something similar?!?!?! uhmmmmmm -____-"