to another view on my workbench. Yeah, it's been a while since the last one and when i am true to myself there didn't happen very much during the workshop time in december back in cologne, during Christmas and uh, you know not much further progress on the WIP area in my cabinet. But as seen lately i have finished some miniatures without talking about them a lot in the state of Work in Progress...
A view in my cabinet tells this:
Denise and the Geisha busts by Pegaso are waiting for me, somehow they should have the right arguments to get my brush on them, but... hum? No idea, time is not ready yet.
The Arkvenger, Arky as i finally call him, is still in the same state as before. I am really looking forward to take my time for further steps on this guy - oh yeah, i am looking forward to this moment, but it should be the right one :)
The asian magician by Helldorado is waiting in line.
The bust from Mad Puppet Miniatures, the guy with the puzzles is stripped from colour again - cleaning up the brain and the workbench, wasn't really comfortable with the concept. Guess it'll take another go someday.
Whatever, lately i am finishing off some of the WIPs which stand around, like the Ancient Hero Maulg. Also the Sniper from Helldorado is - again - on the table at the moment:
Really got the urge to bring something forward in my cabinet as the new year is arriving with high speed and i am still stumbling behind all of my plans - ah it feels good to have this blog to tell myself what to do and plan my projects up, somehow.
Another brainfart has make me done this base for the Dire Troll Mauler from Hordes, everything is still in early painting process but i really like this kind of simple base i have finally achieved to make after all:
Yepp, that's it... next year will be the same as this year i hope, painting with the flow of the muse and always be happy at it - that's my goal. Everyone who is waiting for something be sure i do not take on further comissions, i am working myself through all this inspiration and there will be the moment where the muse hits me for your comissioned projects (i don't have that much, so no panic) - thanks for your patience and your time you took reading this...
Keep on happy painting!
posted by Roman, Kong, jarhead
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