Hello jungle,
... I find myself crawling out of my winter cave with this blog posting.
I have been gone for a while, to reset, to refocus, to regain energies and to relax.
I hope all MV readers had a beautiful Christmas with their families and everybody had a smooth switch into the new year. Many wished me already a great 2014 in private - I also want to welcome all of our readers, our friends, our partners, our future partners and all the figure painters out there in the world a blessed new year. May the number 14 bring to you all what you are searching for.
Well, soon more about my time in my winter cave. I got to tell some stories on how to explain where I have been ... soon more about MV in 2014. Stay tuned!
This posting brings up something different and unusal I guess, it is called: the symphony of poo.
During the many painting classes that have seen mje explain my work with milliput I very often found myself with rests of that sculpting putty. I did not want to throw it away. So I "sculpted" Poo out of it. Quick and easy, but a lot of fun and my collection grew bigger in time. I know Poo is not the thing you want to look at (me too), but somehow this is always very relaxing and takes the pressure away when you paint, just gives you happy painting due the subject. There is no goal in painting the perfect poo. They are all different, unique, beautiful in composition and if you imagine who made that poo you can not only find dogs or humans but maybe also a T-Rex in your vision. I think this is magnificant. Something inspirational from Milliput poo.
I will show you some of the unpainted ones that are still waiting for colour first:
This one actually was also a sketch of the movement in my diorama "The Last Light", looking forward to throw some colour on soon:
Ok, now to the painted ones. Make ready for the symphony of poo. I hope you enjoy!
Well, yeah ... I know you might think this is not the perfect start in a great painting year, but it really comes from the heart and starting the year happy is a good way to do it. So, don't throw away your Millput or other sculpting putty rests, form them in your vision!!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
... I find myself crawling out of my winter cave with this blog posting.
I have been gone for a while, to reset, to refocus, to regain energies and to relax.
I hope all MV readers had a beautiful Christmas with their families and everybody had a smooth switch into the new year. Many wished me already a great 2014 in private - I also want to welcome all of our readers, our friends, our partners, our future partners and all the figure painters out there in the world a blessed new year. May the number 14 bring to you all what you are searching for.
Well, soon more about my time in my winter cave. I got to tell some stories on how to explain where I have been ... soon more about MV in 2014. Stay tuned!
This posting brings up something different and unusal I guess, it is called: the symphony of poo.
During the many painting classes that have seen mje explain my work with milliput I very often found myself with rests of that sculpting putty. I did not want to throw it away. So I "sculpted" Poo out of it. Quick and easy, but a lot of fun and my collection grew bigger in time. I know Poo is not the thing you want to look at (me too), but somehow this is always very relaxing and takes the pressure away when you paint, just gives you happy painting due the subject. There is no goal in painting the perfect poo. They are all different, unique, beautiful in composition and if you imagine who made that poo you can not only find dogs or humans but maybe also a T-Rex in your vision. I think this is magnificant. Something inspirational from Milliput poo.
I will show you some of the unpainted ones that are still waiting for colour first:
This one actually was also a sketch of the movement in my diorama "The Last Light", looking forward to throw some colour on soon:
Ok, now to the painted ones. Make ready for the symphony of poo. I hope you enjoy!
Well, yeah ... I know you might think this is not the perfect start in a great painting year, but it really comes from the heart and starting the year happy is a good way to do it. So, don't throw away your Millput or other sculpting putty rests, form them in your vision!!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Now where's the one with the shoe print? ;)
Bwahahahahahahaha......muhahahahahahahaha.......*breathing*...........hahahahahahahahahahah.......roman, you are a crazy guy! Love your poo collection :D
Crazy shit. Pun intended!
put them on ebay i bet you can get lots of money for no reason at all :D
Damn you -_- I ended up wearing my morning tea instead of drinking it! LOL!!!
Odd, funny, but odd.....