Dragonlord Games and Massive Voodoo were calling for another quest
and you answered with 35 great entries!
Many thanks to Dragonlord Games which is supporting not only the Article section with their banner, but also sponsoring a big load of figure candy to this Quest, for you to win!
Thanks for the support to
______________________________________________________________________________So let's get it on with the entries the judges decided to win the figure candy.
You can believe us when we say the decision was really hard to do. We would love to give everyone some candy as you really made this quest soooo cool with your super entries, but sadly we are not able to do so. So please if you did not win, don't worry or be angry: there will be another quest on another day and really when we looked close through all the entries the decisions were really hard to tell as you are all winners!
We made our decisions by the following aspects:
- the idea and its uniqueness
- creativity of the photo
- security of your lunges
Entry 3: Trevor
Entry 11: Engineer Jeff
Entry 32: Lester
To the Winners: Please write your postal adress to jarhead---massivevoodoo---dot---com, titled with your name and winning place to recieve your prize soon!
Please know that choosing three entries out of 35 is a though job and we really had many close calls during the judging work. Your entries have all been awesome! We hope to see you all attending in the next quest that starts early January here on the same station ...
"Hi Roman!
Thank you for your contest.
I took part in the contest and I looked at the other photos.
I became aware that it was necessary that I protect better my lungs with adapted equipment.
So, I bought a true mask of protection, very important in fact.
Thank you.
Thanks again to everyone for taking part!
Stay safe, take care of your health while happy painting!
Best Wishes
Your MV-Team
Congratulations to the Winners (love the Smoke Photo, really...:)...) and all Participants, who live a healthier Hobby! Your Lungs are Grateful for all Masks you will wear in your Lifetime! ^-^...
congratulations to the winners! The smoke pic was my favourite too. MASKS ARE GOOD! Not only do they offer an adequate protection, they make for good photo contests and look cool in general too. So if you happen not to own one yet, get one!