Dragonlord Games and Massive Voodoo were calling for another quest and you answered!
Sanding resin parts, breathing milliput dust, using many different glue sorts, working with multiple component putty or resin, sanding white metal in different qualities, sniffing strange colours smells ... eeeeecceeettaaarrrraaaa!!! Not the best conditions to grow old so it is good to check for your respiratory systems once in a while and take care to keep them away from danger. That is what this quest is about! It's breathing mask time!!
Many thanks to Dragonlord Games which is supporting not only the Article section with their banner, but also sponsoring a big load of figure candy to this Quest, for you to win!
Thanks for the support to
______________________________________________________________________________So, a dangerous passion it is.
We think everybody who loves Miniature Painting should have a breathing mask at home to have a longer life and paint more and more figures! If you already got one at home you are prepared for the upcoming quest that we ask of you. If you have none so far, get one, not only for this quest, also for your health.
Thanks for all your entries.
In the end we recieved 35 entries and I will show them to you soon. What made me really happy is the fact that many of you really understood the deeper meaning of this contest. We care about your health and emails like this really made me see:
"This was great!! We had so much fun. This contest got me to purchase a bona fide respirator instead of the basic mask I've always used. So much healthier from now on. Thank you."
So let's get it on with the entries ... there is no order in the way I show you them right now. Randomly. We will make ready to do the judging and choose the winners ... but winners you all are as you made this cool gallery possible by sending us your creative entries. We hope you enjoy the gallery and big gorilla thumbs up for taking part!!!
Entry 1: Robert
Entry 2: Kieran
Entry 3: Trevor
Entry 4: Carlos
Entry 5: Juan
Entry 6: Ronald
Entry 7: Jan
Entry 8: Sergio
Entry 9: Allen
Entry 10: Gilles
Entry 11: Engineer Jeff
Entry 12: Estefania
Entry 13: Franky
Entry 14: Dirk
Entry 15: MoJo
Entry 16: Andy
Entry 17: Petros
Entry 18: Riccardo
Entry 19: Luke
Entry 20: Wayne
Entry 21: Denniz
Entry 22: Matthias
Entry 23: Andrea
Entry 24: Sebastian
Entry 25: Markus
Entry 26: Alex
Entry 27: Clemens
Entry 28: Pavel
Entry 29: Adam
Entry 30: Oliver
Entry 31: Julian
Entry 32: Lester
Entry 33: Raphael
Entry 34: Enrico
Entry 35: Martin
Thank you all for your cool entries.
Let us know what you think? What is your favourite? Which one scares you the most, which one is beautiful, which one is the funniest one and so on ... hit the comments!
We are now putting our heads together and do the judging work - man this is not easy! Definatly not!
Best Wishes
Your MV-Team
2 numbers 8.
Thanks, Vincent!
Awesome comp, Bruddhas!
I vote #3! 'Dem Fumes! :D
And the winner of hearts for me is Adam with his Painting-Buddha-T-Shirt-Respirator conversion... Maybe if we advertise our shirts as respirators... hm..... :D
4, 28, 32... Though one... I'd go with 4.
Entry 3 Trevor; Epic fumes!
The number 12. The power of the girls!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh
The number 8 is funny!!
My favorite 8 and 12 of course !!!!!!
30 and 4 are both really cool!!!
3 , the details on 12 and 25 of course :::::
I like the 8 and 12
The girl- rabbit of 12 entry is cool
Can't choose, too much cool entries!
Ok. I like the 4 and 11 because they are strange and surprising + the 14, just because LOL
27 and 30 seem to both have put a real effort into the actual masks. 32 is mega badass as wll.
I like 1 its cool. The makes bro fist^^
28 an 12 of course!!!!
Entry number 3, brilliant photo!
My favourite is 12 and 22
All are excellent ! :-)
My choice is number 3 because the photo is beautiful and mystical
And number 35 because it make me laugh.
I vote for 10 (why so serious ??) and 14 (a french guy always like cooking) !!
n.10 forever!
go, Gilles!
no 35 for me. true rebel.
My favourite entry is number 12. Go girls, goooooo!!!!!
The girl rabbit with the bannanas it's a good "bizarrada" muajaja!
number 12, of course!!! my favourite!
When I see the picture numer 8, I imagine to the protagonist of Breaking Bad, Heinsenberg, painting miniatures. LOL!!!
My favourite
When carefully I am looking through photos, I don't understand why it is the most popular number 12. There is only one reason → it's a woman. Gentlemen, don't be biased!
My favorite?
The first 28.
Second 14.
Third 11.
I judge according to this criterion: the idea, uniqueness, complexity of preparing.
That is my opinion.
The number 8 is funny