December already?
Man time goes by faster than expected :D
Meanwhile on my workbench several things happen as I enjoy taking my time there. Nothing to special as I am already preparing up for the next painting class ahead: Sprang-Capepelle, Netherlands, 13-15 December, 2013. The class will be in english language and I am already there with my brain. Final preparations ahead. Looking forward to enjoy the colourful weekend with Peter and you all there! Ready your brushes and drink your painting water: The Jungle circus of flying wet palettes and too big brushes comes to town!
As I can see this years Christmas time will be a little more quiet than last years December Madness with the "Zombie Calendar" we had last year. Life is like that, sometimes it is wild, sometimes it is loud. Also MV decided to not have our next "Bananalicious Contest" very close in time as the work we had last year was just too enourmous. We are working on a new quest challenge already and might prepare a smaller contest with a more focused topic. More about that sooner or later.
Well, what is happening at my table:
I got a new lamp from a local supermarket. It was a very cheap one at a discounter but somehow I do like the 90 LEDs in it. Not sure about the magnifying lense in it yet, but we will see.

The little Yliad lady recieves more and more colour, but remains still WIP. Very stubborn and still more work ahead.
On the other hand I am working on another cool model from the Dark Vengeance box, the Chaos Lord. I do him as a comission and decisions of the colour choices are up to the comissioner. Right now it looks very undefined and some colours are just preparations for what will be there later. So don't worry too much ... it will definatly look different on the next WIPs ...
As you can see in the photo above I am working on the Lord's parts one by one. If I would glue that model together I would miss 50% of his areas for painting. Very complicated figure and loaded with details. Just an early WIP. Yeah well and the Male Galaxy Defender in 54 mm from Northstar Models walks into the picture.
Really painting a lot lately, or let me say the time that is used for painting is well spent. Happy that I found my flow of happy painting back after my big summer project. The cabinet fills up and maybe you already can spot something new ... Soon more on the blog!
As I was taking many photos some days ago ...
Best Wishes
Nice article as always. I am Looking forward to the finished Chaos guy.
If I may ask: Where exactly do you got the lamp from?
The lamp was bought at "Lidl", a german discount supermarket ...
We also look forward to the painting class and, also to see you again. And don't forget to bring my figures -:)
Hi, in the third snapshot , the figure what the space marine (black skin) , is a commercial figure??? it´s beatiful...
PD : sorry whith my english :-)
The figure is from Northstar Models ... I already made two reviews of that company:
And a new, third one is in preparation!
Thank you Mister Kong :D This calls for a visit at my local Lidl ;)
I really enjoy your wip articles. Fascinating to see how you work.
May I ask where the Yliad Lady is from? Looks like a really cool sculpt.
Thank you Roman for tipis information. This figures are very interesting.!!! :-)