As I am preparing myself to head for the Monte San Savino Figure Show these days (oO Trian to Austria leaves tomorrow morning!) and I packed one special box for it I want you all to know about it that I might not be the only person with an "Emergency Box" there.
This box is packed in case something happens to my projects during travel. I need the stuff inside to repair or glue or repaint. For sure I hope nothing will happen at all, but you never know who the gods of fortune favour and who not.
So let's see what I am packing here, in my plastic box. You can see I try to keep the box small as I am already travelling with a lot of stuff. First things first:
- US Olive Drab = very desaturated colour, for quick repairs in earth tones
- Orange Brown = I don't know why but I like the colour a lot recently
- Ivory = to be mixed in every other colour to change its hue and repair here and there in highlight areas
- Black = Ultimate repair colour, paint something black and nobody will see it, hopefully, also to repair black plinths (just in case) and mixing it in to every other colour to repair in shadow area
- Dark Sea Blue = dark repair colour, cold touch
- Surface Primer, white and black = To reprime if something got horrible damaged
I also packed some toothpicks for detail work (glueing, etc.) and some wooden coffee sticks for mixing sugar in coffee:
As I am not able to transport a usual brush because of its length I modified one brush and made it shorter. The travel brush. Also packec a calliper.
Superglue, very important. Prepared with tape that there is hopefully no travel accident and everything is glued in that box.
A hobby blade, drill and yeah the calliper again ...
Superstrong, small amount of french ultrasuper Glue. Just in case I have to glue the car. And 1 Cent for luck, a little prayer to the gods of traveling and fortune.
This little thing comes from Scale Modelling and is used to make weathering. I call it my weathering stick and with weathering you can also repair quick.
Next one in the box is a little metal dish that will be used to mix colours in. Some round plastic sticks to maybe repair water or icicles and another calliper, in case I might lose the other one and even more toothpicks.
This one is a putty from Australia, called Kneadit! and dries out in five minutes. Really though material, should also pack some rubber gloves for it, as I think it is definatly not healthy. So, let's call this point Putty. I will have more information for you about this product in the future of our articles. Thanks to my friend Weisern at this point.
Well, I think that's it. No!
I missed the nail scissor.
That's my emergency box. Yours can look different. No need to pack exactly what I packed here. Just pack what you need in case of emergency.
Do you have one of these too when you go to events with your models?
What do you usually pack in there?
So if you don't bring your own to Monte and you had an accident with your figures you can ask me for sure if you need some help with emergency tools or other good ideas!
Best is not to think about accidents on miniatures were we all have spent our heart and time on. May the gods of travel and fortune guide everyone's way to Monte and from this day on to every other figure contest. Now drums to satisfy the gods.
See you in Monte!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
As I am preparing myself to head for the Monte San Savino Figure Show these days (oO Trian to Austria leaves tomorrow morning!) and I packed one special box for it I want you all to know about it that I might not be the only person with an "Emergency Box" there.
This box is packed in case something happens to my projects during travel. I need the stuff inside to repair or glue or repaint. For sure I hope nothing will happen at all, but you never know who the gods of fortune favour and who not.
So let's see what I am packing here, in my plastic box. You can see I try to keep the box small as I am already travelling with a lot of stuff. First things first:
- US Olive Drab = very desaturated colour, for quick repairs in earth tones
- Orange Brown = I don't know why but I like the colour a lot recently
- Ivory = to be mixed in every other colour to change its hue and repair here and there in highlight areas
- Black = Ultimate repair colour, paint something black and nobody will see it, hopefully, also to repair black plinths (just in case) and mixing it in to every other colour to repair in shadow area
- Dark Sea Blue = dark repair colour, cold touch
- Surface Primer, white and black = To reprime if something got horrible damaged
I also packed some toothpicks for detail work (glueing, etc.) and some wooden coffee sticks for mixing sugar in coffee:
Superglue, very important. Prepared with tape that there is hopefully no travel accident and everything is glued in that box.
A hobby blade, drill and yeah the calliper again ...
Superstrong, small amount of french ultrasuper Glue. Just in case I have to glue the car. And 1 Cent for luck, a little prayer to the gods of traveling and fortune.
This little thing comes from Scale Modelling and is used to make weathering. I call it my weathering stick and with weathering you can also repair quick.
Next one in the box is a little metal dish that will be used to mix colours in. Some round plastic sticks to maybe repair water or icicles and another calliper, in case I might lose the other one and even more toothpicks.
This one is a putty from Australia, called Kneadit! and dries out in five minutes. Really though material, should also pack some rubber gloves for it, as I think it is definatly not healthy. So, let's call this point Putty. I will have more information for you about this product in the future of our articles. Thanks to my friend Weisern at this point.
Well, I think that's it. No!
I missed the nail scissor.
That's my emergency box. Yours can look different. No need to pack exactly what I packed here. Just pack what you need in case of emergency.
Do you have one of these too when you go to events with your models?
What do you usually pack in there?
So if you don't bring your own to Monte and you had an accident with your figures you can ask me for sure if you need some help with emergency tools or other good ideas!
Best is not to think about accidents on miniatures were we all have spent our heart and time on. May the gods of travel and fortune guide everyone's way to Monte and from this day on to every other figure contest. Now drums to satisfy the gods.
See you in Monte!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Super helpful and soo Obvious is amazing none has done this before!!
Nice article! Just a short tip on storing the superglue: I use one of those plastic zipper bags to wrap it (make sure the zipper bag isn´t damaged). So even if the superglue leaks, there shouln´t happen a bigger accident :), because it is inside of the plastic bag. .
Now that I know that you'll have one, I don't need to pack my own...jokey jokey...see you there!
I can definitly support Bene´s advice... had the problem, when I was in Berlin and used a plan to get there... unfortunatly the guys at the airport weren´t very friendly with my box and the superglue broke... luckily there was a sponge inside which connected with the glue and saved my colors... so: be careful with this, as only I have so much luck after all my epic fails :)
Happy that you used a plan to get there ;)
Thanks for the advice, this is not a bad thought!
Thanks for your comments!
If you will be in Monte - see you in Monte!
One thing that is really nice to have in an emergency box is a portable light source of some sort. Especially for shows that are held in hotels, there is often no good light source, and if you need to do a repair, it helps to see what you are doing.
Light .... yes, I missed that during the travel to Monte :D
And even the superglue went mad inside the box :/ ... guess I was taking the wrong lucky coin or it was Raffa when I lent him the box ;)
Just a comment - if you are doing air travel you may want to just pack these items in your bag to avoid all the 'laws' (international, etc.). If you are putting them in a carry on, PLEASE be sure to know what is legal and not, for instance 3oz, must be in a ziplock and taken out here in the US... just things we dont' think of... :/
Thanks, Monique!