still the weekend of Monte beats heavy in my chest.
Such great times that I am not really able to find words so fast after the event. Many others do and I can recommend Volomir's article series and Mastermini's report of the MSS 2013 so far. Also our friends from Sergeant BlackArt have their report up (best figure photos so far!).
Thanks to all of them we are already able to see a lot of photos of the ambient, the people and the figures. Like the following, shared from masterminis, done by Michael Bartels:
Or the one from Pino, thanks for sharing too:
As you can see already on the many photos in the internet that this weekend definatly was a blast in every aspect. Great people from all over the world joining to celebrate life, miniature passion, love and Idromele ...
I want another round !! Bravo Fabio! Grande!
More impressions are already in preparation. I can not tell you right now if this will be focused on text, videos or pictures. We still have to sort our hearts as the time we were able to spent so fabolous is still like Idromele in my soul. Monte San Savino is really my personal World Expo. Fantastic Event. Some first impressions:
still the weekend of Monte beats heavy in my chest.
Such great times that I am not really able to find words so fast after the event. Many others do and I can recommend Volomir's article series and Mastermini's report of the MSS 2013 so far. Also our friends from Sergeant BlackArt have their report up (best figure photos so far!).
Thanks to all of them we are already able to see a lot of photos of the ambient, the people and the figures. Like the following, shared from masterminis, done by Michael Bartels:
Or the one from Pino, thanks for sharing too:
As you can see already on the many photos in the internet that this weekend definatly was a blast in every aspect. Great people from all over the world joining to celebrate life, miniature passion, love and Idromele ...
I want another round !! Bravo Fabio! Grande!
More impressions are already in preparation. I can not tell you right now if this will be focused on text, videos or pictures. We still have to sort our hearts as the time we were able to spent so fabolous is still like Idromele in my soul. Monte San Savino is really my personal World Expo. Fantastic Event. Some first impressions:

More soon!
It's always nice to meet you in MSS... kinda tradition right?!
and to recall those moments, IG photocontest is here: http://montesansavinoshow.blogspot.it/p/photocontest-gallery.html
your vote is welcome! spread the news...