If you want to have a look on more photos of this model check Putty&Paint.
Thanks to my friend Hon from Marrow Productions I was able to already have this figure under my brush as I this was done as a private comission to him. Great sculpt by Ray Wong.
I am really looking forward to paint some more figures from their universe as they have a lot of style and great character.
If you are still corious about their "Journey" on Kickstarter, check it here - only three days left!
I hope you like my version!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Great work as always mate. Have pledged for the premium version already, and now contemplating some of the extras in it. Looking forward to getting this piece myself.. might be something to bring to a future painting class? :)
Great model with a great paintjob, i love soo much your works buddy! :)
Super cool base. How did you do all of the rocks? Are they sculpted?
I pledged for the monkey king, I am a bit sad that they have no pilgrim only set... I have to say that this time your coc is not my cup of tea but the base and execution is great!
Fantastic work as so many times before. Pledged for the Kickstarter too and I'm eagerly looking forward to get hold of all the components, miniature, etc.
@Tuffskull: Wouldn't that be kinda what you looked for? Pledge Level :"The Resin Master - 12 resin collector’s miniatures, one of each unique miniature in Journey: Wrath of Demons, plus an exclusive booklet, "The Art and Making of the Monkey King", and all rewards from the Supporter pledge level." I know, it's more than just the pilgrims.
Best regards,
Thanks! The model is really too cool to paint and I am sure I will do another version someday! About the base, yeah they are sculpted ... I keep in mind to write an article about it ...