We are already making ready for the next painting class in Dillingen-Saar, another one of Jar's Beginners class is ahead with a truely big class of students. We are heading out tomorrow morning for the weekend class and I feel bad as I did not yet find time to review the class that has passed two weeks ago, in Erlangen.
If you like to read a review in german by one of the participants, click this link!
I will do mine too, but time is busy right now.
Will do soon! So far enjoy a preview to the review:
More soonon this station!
Stay tuned!
brezel :Q___ i love it ahahah
Looks like a lot of fun! The models turned out really well too. I dig it! What type of stuff do you guys go over for a beginners class? How does it differ from an intermediate/advance class? Right now I only offer one class to accommodate all skill levels but think it might be good to break up beginner and intermediate/advanced.
Do you do full 1 day classes or are they longer?
The beginners class mean I explain an introduction in my personal way of thinking while working (theory) and the practical use. It is not only for beginners, it is also for advanced and professional painters. It is just an introduction into my brain and my workflow.
The weekend class start at Friday night and end on Sunday late afternoon.