it's me again and let me tell you these days are truly crazy.
Arrived home on Sunday night, late at night, togehter with Peter from a great painting class weekend but with a hell of a car ride. This has been the last painting class before my own summer break as there will be vacations for me and my lady in late august. Still, there is a lot of work ahead as I am currently painting like a mad man without relaxing from the past weeks which have been filled with painting, painting and three painting class weekends.
Hour by hour gets pushed into my big project and I can see this view very often from the studio window:
During the day it is - honestly - just too hot in there as our studio is located directly under the roof and the sun is burning down with full force the whole day ... so wet towels are my only hope and rescue :D
Meanwhile I have painted another Demonette for demonstration during the last class and glued her to her sisters. It is very funny as my models from the class are surely behind those of the students. Thankful I am about the feedback of the latest class that this idea really helps everyone attending the class. It is good for the students to follow the progress and check back with the examples:
There sure will be a review soon about the latest class in Schöppenstett, Germany. I can only tell so far: It was delicious!! If you like you can check back at the latest Painting Class report from Beckingen, Germany where I have added even more photos. Let's see if you can spot those new ones here!
A little preview on the results of the students of Schöppenstett. I think it is pretty good if the teacher - in this case me - is painting a lot on his own. Well done class, but more will follow soon!
What more can I say?
Honestly nothing more as time is running by and I don't have time right now as too much is on my schedule. So if you are waiting for an email of me or an answer somewhere else please be patient. These weeks are really massive and I have to set priorities to get some of my stuff done. I will be back at you as soon as I am able to, believe this.
I say the same to my cats these days ... I miss them a lot as I don't spent much time at home, but sometimes it can be that way. Sounds very stupid, home is great but I love/have/want/must stay in a way too hot studio place to finish up my process bars ...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Damn.. was hoping Germany was cooler these days! Hope you get through your projects well enough, and survive the heat long enough to go to vacation, where you can actually enjoy said heat!
Keep on painting!
When I look at the picture of you wearing that mask+towel wrapped around you, I think to myself...."hmm the paintingforce is trong with this one"...:-)
moin moin, ich frage mal in deutsch.
Wie funktioniert denn deine Dokumentation, mit den Barsund Kästchen, falls das nicht zu privat ist, wäre kleine Erklärung cool.
Mfg Lars
We finally got a break from the heat here in Canada where I live. First it was a flood, followed by a heat wave and now some nice breezy weather. Also, give first priority to the cats; otherwise you may find random cat hairs on all your projects. You know how powerful our feline overlords are o_O
Thanks for all your comments ... yeah the heat melts the brain here, but for painting i am not often in need of it :D
How the process bars work? Sure, no problem:
I have different materials on the different elements of this big project that I want to invest time in. When I did so - let's say for example when I have painted my way through 120 pairs of tyranid eyes I paint a little progress to my progress bars ... It helps me to see the progress and lets me see areas where still time is needed ...