Another one of my personal look on my workbench ...
Man, I can just say these days are crazy: three painting class weekends in six weeks, a big project with a limited time schedule and the Monkey King ... truely a lot is going on these days. I am not really able to unpack my stuff from the classes regularly. Travelling days look like this - figures always ready to take, this is what I carry around for the painting classes ...
I told you that I am painting demonettes again on the classes and I start collecting my own results I did for explanations. Looks very funny and I like it a lot, here is a shot in my cabinet, where you can see the last three painted demonettes in the lower left front:
The demonettes are not completly finished as I just use them for demonstration during the class and learned to let them be afterwards. Maybe someday there will be a big unit of rainbow demons :D
You can also spot the Monkey King here in his actual state of color. Also a Studio McVey Sedition Wars Marine has seen the wet brush. This one by me will be one of our giveaways to celebrate 1500! Followers on the blog. There will be two more other figures that you can win! Stay tuned!
Worked a little more on the base of the Monkey King:
then primed it ...
and started painting ...
I told you about my BIG project. I can't show you much, but I allow myself to teaser you a little bit more :) - still a long road to go, but it is a great thing when you see what will be there at the end of the road:
Greets from the mad painting table ...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Best Wishes
Love that base for the monkey king! Where do you find your inspiration for these epic bases you produce? Something I need to work more on myself.
So cannot wait for your secret project to be revealed!
Espectacular :)
Such fine work, and that's just the base!!!
Looks like a huge Games Day Tyranid project, doesn't it? I'm really looking forward to this...
Best wishes from Cologne,
I love to see something big grow. :)
Take care of yourself and gather some energy for your own. :)
@Andrew Steel
I try to keep my eyes and mind open while I am outside or browsing the www ... inspiration is everywhere, but the best one you will find in your soul and imagination. Thanks, glad you like it so far!
Thanks for all your comments...