Well ...
the heat is melting me in the studio.
I am suffering but paint on and on and on ... pushing around 16 hours + in one of my Games Day projects. Lucky me the other entry is already done since a while. Right now with my big project I did spent around 220 hours so far and I will push until the day of the contest arrives - I might even paint in the car when we drive to cologne :D
That means I am a lot in the studio these days. I am still not catching up with all my emails and want to excuse myself to everybody who is waiting for answer from my side. Sorry for that.
The last days all look the same for me: starting from early morning with painting, painting until the darkness of night hugs me. I am really happy to have Bene with me most of the time as he is also preparing his figures. Last Friday Peter was visiting us and did bring his cool Predator he started at the last Painting class in Schöppenstett ... it is really going into a cool direction, can't wait for the jungle athmosphere.
Also I am awaiting another cool visitor today, on Monday for a painting session: Martin aka Dre4mit is visiting me in the studio for spending some time together - I hope he brings a towel to make keep him cool!
I still got a lot of things on my 2do list going on. I am preparing the big giveaway of the 1500 Follower celebrations. We told you that we are giving away three painted figures BUT you will get four right now! Soon more news about that!
Also I am preparing some words about our Figure-Art Artbook Campaign. Preparing future classes, etc. As you see beside painting a big project with 120 figures + there is a lot of other work to do and the H-E-A-T just kills my brain :D
Four of my 120 + figures during work in progress ...
it is really mad hot in the studio, so Bene and I are down with the sickness ... ouuwww-aaa-aaa-aa-aa!
the four figures we give away soon in a cabinet shot:
Well, and off to the studio :D
Still the sun is burning for the lion ...
Keep on happy painting everyone and see you in Cologne where I will do a reportage about my big project on how the idea was born and how it became what it will be in the end ... I will do that live with tons of photos in form of a presentation using a beamer. Around 30 Minutes each. Twice that day!
See you there, huh?
sweeeeet...see you in Cologne :)
Woooohooo, comes out reaally sweet!
This is madness...
Hihi, die Base vom Dillinger Workshop...
Ja genau. Die Base aus dem Dillinger Workshop.
Sieht nice aus :)
Wadde ma, was zur Hölle is dein Projekt? Armies on Parade kann es ja nicht sein, da hättest schon fertig sein müssen. Bin sehr gespannt.
Und ja, die Hitze is zum Malen der totale Scheiß. Während ich überall nass bin, wird die Farbe dafür zu trocken. Trotz Nass-Palette etc.
Will someone film the presentation? Would be cool to see, but I won't be at Cologne :-(