Are you still using a wet palette 1.0?
The one wet palette with all those tissues, which creates many complex craters after a while of painting? Make you mad because you don't have control where your colors run on its surface?
Thanks to Markus aka Malekith from 5th-Dimension who introduced this wet palette to me a while ago.
It is really worth a try ... check it out in the following video, don't you wonder, the video is very silent, but don't get afraid when the music hits!Very authentic, straight from the working table ...
Let me know if you got any questions via comments,
but first try it yourself so you can precise your questions!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
DJ Grandmaster Kong scratching the baking paper on the palette turntables :D
Hey nice video! a lot of suspens, a fingers scratching and then a brush pogo! :P
...and NO WAY I wash the cover of my plastic painting box, it's my best piece of art, it took me years to do :D
I had the same problem, definitely try.
Also I had another problem, I could not see the degree of dilution of color, because the baking paper is grease and the color does not expand, I settled to sandpaper the surface where the color will.
THX for the Tut
That's what I've been using for many years now, and it really is awesome.
I grabbed an oooooold "Sta-Wet Handy Palette" from an arts and craft store and it already had the sponge thingy :)
I think they don't carry those in my country anymore though
I do not agree with changing the foam. I have been using the same piece for about 4 years and the more I use it, the more it become absorbent.
Instead I warmly agree with the health issues, mine once turned into mould!!! AHAHA
hihi tried it and works but avoid those "foam" cellulose for isolation, as it's vegetal... when wet too long time, you will have mushroom or algaes on it !! so nice foam you found ;)
Confrontation 3 blisters! They even come with foam and cover!
Thank you very much for spreading this awesome idea, Roman!
Hey Roman,
when the workshop was finished, the next day I went to a DIY-Store and bought a piece of foam and some tupperware-replica about the size, you had on the workshop.
Then I had a major problem: The water I soaked the foam with, didn't really seam to reach the colour on the baking paper, so they dried much faster than with my old paper towel palette. So, i blamed it on the foam and bought a kind of sponge, which I thought had to be much better in keeping the water. But I had the same problem and so I got back to my old paper towel palette. I think it's kind of sad, for everybody seems to appreciate the 2.0 palette. What did I do wrong? Wrong baking paper (I used the Ja! baking paper), which seems unpropable for I use the same for my old palette. Wrong Foam? The rest looks just like in the video...
maybe wrong foam or too less water would be my suggestion. I am not sure how I can help you right now. Would love to do a shopping tour with you ... :/
Well, as you might remember I'm living in that Yuppie Village, growing like cancer, just 70 Kilometers away of our beautiful Augusta Vindelicorum... ;-) And I remember a DIY Store in South Gersthofen, which is only a stone's throw away from the jungle...
I have had problems with using sponge and have tried several diffrent types. They all seem to absorb too little water.
My solution for now is to use dishcloth. It is way more water absorbent and is cheap and easy to cut out. (and comes in white if you want a whiter background for mixing)
I built one and my foam absorbs perfectly (was part of a parcel). I also thought about using the bottom from "Feldherr" but never tried.
But now I have another problem. The color gets too wet. After some hours it is almost like a wash. I use normal baking paper (the cheapest from Kaufland) which is even coated I think. Anyone with the same problem?
Sounds like you have too much water in the foam ... if changing this does not work, try to use another baking paper. Maybe yours is soaking too much water!
Heyho, which manufacturer and shop do you buy your baking paper from? What I've used until now was redone and has heavy coating now. I'm from Germany too, so unless you buy from some local store I should be able to get it too.
I buy my baking paper at Lidl, Rewe or Tengelman.
What kind of sponge was used? I know people say to use blister sponge, but I don't have any pieces big enough
We used construction foam for buildings, bought it in the hardware store. We do not have best experiences with blister sponge as it is not thick enough.
Thank you! You guys rock!