Raffa's Workbench - January #2

by Raffa

Posted by Raffaele "Picster" Picca

Hey everyone,

today Roman and myself had another productive and fun day in the studio. While work on the book is going on very well, the gods of heaven decided to bring Augsburg some snow... and by some I really mean like "too much"-some... going out into the cold, wet, glittering sweetness of north-pole-like weather conditions is really something you don't want to do (unless you're cross-country skiing).

Anyway, today we decided that a visit in our studio can't be a bad idea to get our head free from layout, text correction and e-mail writing for some hours. Here's the view from the window of our studio:

As you seen recently, I started working on a bust. Here is another work in progress photo...
Can you think of a good name for him?
"What is my name? I can't remember, tell me in the comments or I will crush your skull with a teaspoon!"

The best name (chosen by me), posted in the comments, will receive a set of stickers for free as a thank you!

Tommorrow is Peters move, I'm really already looking so forward to it! Wooohoo, what's better than hauling furniture while it's snowing?

Have a nice day!



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