Aloa Jungle painters,
a new year starts and we'll have some upcoming painting classes for you ready.
Please stay informed via the blog or our facebook site on your own responsibility.
You can find reviews of past painting classes here!
A quick overview on 2017:
MV's Jar's Beginners Class, Hamburg, Germany
MV's Jar's Advanced Class, Hamburg, Germany
MV's Jar's Advanced Class, Blumberg-Achdorf, Germany
MV's Jar's Advanced Class, Schoeppenstett, Germany
MV's Jar's Beginners Class, Copenhagen, Denmark
MV's Jar's Speedpainting Masterclass, Forchheim, Germany
MV's Jar's Basing Class, Arvika, Sweden
Nova Open 2017 Seminars by Roman, Washington D.C., USA
More coming soon!

Multiple English language classes!
VIEW Roman Lappat Nova Open 2017 Seminars:
Also check for all the seminars, not only Roman's - the NOVA OPEN 2017 brings you a great lineup of miniature painting instructors. See you in the seminars in D.C.!
Jar's Beginner Class
Instructor: Roman Lappat
This MV class gives you insight into Roman's way of painting and basing, his thoughts, the background of his inspiration and a lot of fun and happy painting. This class aims at beginners and advanced painters. More Information on MV's Jar's Beginners class?
[17th - 19th March] Hamburg, Germany (language: german)
[9th until 11th June] Copenhagen, Denmark (language: english)
Planning on:
Graz, Austria in 2017
Instructor: Roman Lappat
The follow up class to Roman's famous MV's Jar's Beginners Class. You want to go deeper? Here is the place to learn. Main topic: Atmosphere! Intense study on technique, light/shadow, skintones, the color black, the color white and much more!
[24th - 26th March] Hamburg, Germany (language: german)
[28th - 30th April] Blumberg-Achdorf, Germany (language: german)
Planning on:
no information yet!________________________________________________________________________________
Picster's Conversion and Sculpting Class
Instructor: Raffaele Picca
This MV class is Raffa's Conversion- and Sculpting class for Beginners and Advanced Sculptors. Learn everything important to convert with fun and sculpt with joy! Leave all that fear behind!
None scheduled at the moment.
Planning on:
no information yet!
Jar's Basing Class
Instructor: Roman Lappat
In this MV class Roman takes you deeper into basing. No gaming bases. What makes a good display bases? Learn more about composition rules you can put to use while basing, learn different focused material aspects.
[11th - 13th August] Arvika, Sweden (language: english)
Planning on:
Augsburg, Germany in 2017
Jarhead & Picster's BÄM² Workshop
Instructors: Roman Lappat & Raffaele Picca
This MV class is a pure technique training class with two teachers, Roman and Raffa. During this weekend your personal painting skill will be pushed as far as possible.
None scheduled at the moment.
Planning on:
no information yet!________________________________________________________________________________
Planning stages can not be feed with more details as we are only announce them when everything is setup. We can't give you details on the date as this is still in planning. Classes that are ready and online will be linked up - stay tuned and please remember the fact that you might not see a class happening in front of your doorstep. If you travel for the classes, be sure the journey is worth it!
You want to organise a painting class with us?
Check this FAQ to get all important information!
No Date that fits your schedule?
Reach out to us to schedule a private coaching!
First plans of 2017 are already made -
be a part of it and see you there for happy painting and sculpting!
Happy Painting and see you in 2017!
Your MV-Crew
I'm all for a class in Poland :)
A Class in the Netherlands!? :O Come to daddy!
Woohoo, BÄM2 in Hamburg!
Jetzt brauchen wir nur noch die Termine und das geprügel um die Plätze geht los ...
TRIER!!!! Immer dabei ;-)
Glad to see there's a couple locations close to Belgium! I have a feeling we'll meet in 2013!
Im in for a class in Poland....Hell Yeah:D
Oh a BÄM² in Hamburg - I criss-cross my fingers that the date will suit for me.
Don´t forget Vienna on the tour for 2013 year... we do have a lot of painters that wanted to participate last year, but couldn´t make it... and you know that the WOW Club is a suitable Location.. *G* Greets Michael
The Netherlands, Intersting. Please post it
Whoo hoo.. second class opened up! Email sent asking/signing up for it!
yeah, termin in frankfurt. gibts da schon was genaueres?
Anything about where in the UK even if it's only a may be ?
I second Steve's interest, I'd attend in the UK.
I am in for the Netherlands!!!
Liverpool class?
How much?
Will it include airbrushing?
Wiesbaden yeah! grad erst gesehn^^ gogogo :D
alternativ geht auch ffm ;)
FFM & WI FTW !!! Bin dabei - egal wann!
hi, also interested in a Termin in Frankfurt.
would like to attend again if possible :)
Please come to Cologne in 2014!
Looking forward to a UK date, Liverpool or.....London/Brighton
workshops in the netherlands. Hell yes..
I think you need a overseas holiday. Perhaps you should come to Australia? (hint hint)
Yes, Schwerte close to Dortmund is in final stage of planning.
Is it possible to estimate a date for the workshop in Dachau. Because I could attend both, Munich and Dachau, and it is a hard decision between both.
No, sorry. At the moment telling more about the class in Dachau is not possible as plans got stuck there a little bit and it won't before the middle of 2015 that the class might take place in Dachau. So Munich is recommended in this case.
Updated the list, thanks to your reminder. This year there will be only two more beginner's classes. One in Munich and one in the Netherlands.
Hi Roman... Wie sieht es mit dem Rhein-Neckar-Raum aus? Mannheim oder Heidelberg? Wir sehen uns hoffentlich am Sonntag?!
Really interested in the specifics of the Liverpool class... Any ideas on ££ etc.
Is there any hope to see you in Italy? :)
If there will be a class in the netherlands i can start saving money! :)
Would love to get to the one in France :D, I will be there in May
Any chance of a web class? Us folks on the other side of the Atlantic would love to learn a thing or two from you.
a class in Belgium? Pleaaaaaaaaaase!
And what about the South of France?? Like cities close to Montpellier or Marseilles? I know that there are a lot a painters in Lyon. But I dont live there anymore and I'd be really glad to participate to one of your class.
+1 for istanbul class... please... please... please...?
Just noticed Liverpool on the list of planning. Firestorm in Cardiff seems a popular venue too, though John Harrison (Weekend Workshop) would be a good one to ask about UK locations.
Yeah, we did that several times. Somehow it does not work with Roman and John, one day we will make it happen in the UK, promised.
So far our plans on this came to a stillstand kind of. As 2016 is already fully booked we try to make this possible in 2017.
I would like to sculpt and convert in hamburg 2017 !!!!