posted by mati/badsmile/lilorangutan
Hi there !
I would like to announce the second annual mini-sculpture sculpting competition.

As you can read on the banner, the rules can be found at the MINISCULPTURE forum. Great place by the way, full of friendly and helpful people, go and find out yourself !
To everybody taking part, good luck and may the fimo be with you !
Hi there !
I would like to announce the second annual mini-sculpture sculpting competition.
As you can read on the banner, the rules can be found at the MINISCULPTURE forum. Great place by the way, full of friendly and helpful people, go and find out yourself !
To everybody taking part, good luck and may the fimo be with you !
I am not skilled for a winner place, but lets see what i can do for the funz of it : D
Thanks for sharing this info !
That's the spirit !