posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Good evening jungle!
As i am in a complety frenzy mode of painting these days just to finish off some projects - I did finish two more. The first one is a conversion GW's undivided Chaos Mage to make him more nurglish, there was some minor sculpting going on, some small scaled chains included, the lower jaw is made with a small real bone of a dead mouse, the flag is made from Magic sculp like described here and much more i can't really put a finger on, hope you like him:
A little conversion of GW's Inquisitor Space Marine brought a Grey Knight bust to life. He is, compared to my usual 200 mm busts a real small bust - just imagine a 54 mm model cut to bust seize, that's how big he is. Had my fun on this one but metallics are somehow horrible to take a photo of. Whatever, hope you like ...
If you like to vote for them here you find the Nurgle Standard Bearer and here the Grey Knight Bust.
Both models will hit ebay soon - if you want to make sure to get hold of one of them feel invited to write me an email at jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com for a quote.
So far, read you soon!
Best Wishes and some happy painting
Good evening jungle!
As i am in a complety frenzy mode of painting these days just to finish off some projects - I did finish two more. The first one is a conversion GW's undivided Chaos Mage to make him more nurglish, there was some minor sculpting going on, some small scaled chains included, the lower jaw is made with a small real bone of a dead mouse, the flag is made from Magic sculp like described here and much more i can't really put a finger on, hope you like him:
Decay in his prayers,
blinded by Papa Nurgle's gifts,
visions through a million eyes,
waving the banner of the gods,
to praise the change.
Nurgle Standard Bearer
Games Workshop, 28 mm
A little conversion of GW's Inquisitor Space Marine brought a Grey Knight bust to life. He is, compared to my usual 200 mm busts a real small bust - just imagine a 54 mm model cut to bust seize, that's how big he is. Had my fun on this one but metallics are somehow horrible to take a photo of. Whatever, hope you like ...
Fides Mea
Brother Grey Knight Malcadeus
Games Workshop, Inquisitor, 54 mm
If you like to vote for them here you find the Nurgle Standard Bearer and here the Grey Knight Bust.
Both models will hit ebay soon - if you want to make sure to get hold of one of them feel invited to write me an email at jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com for a quote.
So far, read you soon!
Best Wishes and some happy painting
Wow ! Love all your Nurgles man!
They really looks rotted to the bone!
Auch wenn die Miniaturen nach wie vor ganz gut aussehen muss ich sagen das ich schon besseres hier gesehen habe wie z.b. Brother Aurelion um mal was aktuelles zu nennen.
The Nurgle stendard bearer is the most impressive painted miniature that have ever seen. Really really really stunning work Roman!
Many thanks! Yepp, seems i like to paint rotting models :D
Thanks for your comment - i described here in one of my latest postings why i can't always paint on a competition standard: - i am just painting without thinking about a high standard, finishing things off in a painting rage and most of the models are concepted to be gaming miniatures, that is why most of them are on top of a gaming base - so thanks again as i am happy that these gaming models come out well in the end...
Thank you very much - glad you like him!