It's finally done - the preparation of our next Indiegogo campaign.
You can find all of the details about the campaign on the campaign page!
Maybe you can remember this post some time ago.
We finally found the solution to perfectly organize and travel with your paints and you can support us to make this real.
We were often struggling with the way we store, manage and travel with our paints. All products and options available at the time were just not what we were looking for.
Some months ago, Raffa decided to build a better paint rack than ever before! Something that fulfilled all the requirements he had. When the first really rough prototype was finished, we both could see the potential for something that a lot of other painters would love to have. Thankfully our friends confirmed this thought.
Almost everyone owns a ton of colors, good daylight lamps, nice miniatures and the best brushes in the world. Why should you settle with anything less than the Ultimate Paint Rack?
So, check out the campaign and see for yourself if you like to have one of these for your painting table!
You can find all of the details about the campaign on the campaign page!
Maybe you can remember this post some time ago.
We finally found the solution to perfectly organize and travel with your paints and you can support us to make this real.
We were often struggling with the way we store, manage and travel with our paints. All products and options available at the time were just not what we were looking for.
Some months ago, Raffa decided to build a better paint rack than ever before! Something that fulfilled all the requirements he had. When the first really rough prototype was finished, we both could see the potential for something that a lot of other painters would love to have. Thankfully our friends confirmed this thought.
Almost everyone owns a ton of colors, good daylight lamps, nice miniatures and the best brushes in the world. Why should you settle with anything less than the Ultimate Paint Rack?
So, check out the campaign and see for yourself if you like to have one of these for your painting table!
Yeah! I've just backed it! Looking forward to it!
Whick comment would be fit very well?...
Ok I take it: Shut up and take my money :-)
In the video, they feature a paint brush stand which look cool and nice.. does it include with the box because the pledge never indicate anything about the stand. . Can anyone advice?
Awesome. I'm going to back it!
Hey, woher bekommt man die tolle Pinselbox die im Video gezeigt wird
mit dem Rack.
Gruß aus dem Schwarzwald Manne
Hello everyone and thanks for the nice comments :)
We answered the questions about the brush stand in the FAQ on the campaign page.
Check it out to get everything answered.
Alle Infos zu der Pinselbox werden in der FAQ auf der Kampagnenseite beantwortet.
Puh ... 2x das Travel-Set und 2x die Schublade gepledget = vier einzelne Überweisungen ... Was Indiegogo fehlt, ist die Möglichkeit, Stückzahlen anzugeben ... Ich hoffe mal, ich habe alles richtig gemacht.
Daumen hoch - das ist echt ein geiles Teil, was Ihr da entwickelt habt!
Danke für die Info bezüglich der Pinselbox, habe einen Bösner in der Nähe.
Das Rack ist geordert, starkes Teil.
Gruß aus dem Schwarzwald Manne
Hi guys I know I'm late to the party is there a place in the states where you will be selling your paint rack ?
Is there a way to buy this paint rack since the campaign is over?
As soon as the Ultimate Paint Rack is for sale or if there are any updates we will keep you all informed via MV and the Newsletter. You can sign in to our newsletter by checking the right navigation bar of the blog ... thank you for your interest! We hope we have news soon!
Just stumbled on this much needed rack! Great job bros! Quite unfortunate to have missed the chance to back it in indiegogo.
Here's hoping UPR will be made available to us soon!