Bonjour Robot-Forgers,
IMPORTANT news incoming about the Forged Hope Contest:
After we recieved several request of robot-forgers to stretch the hand-over date for your entries we decided to do so. We were asked by many who just have recieved their kit due the last months "kit-supply-issues" and start working in this particular moment.
Instead of 30-July-2014, 16 GMT,
we decided to give you more time while your rock 'em Robots.
Massive Voodoo is stretching the end of the contest to 15th of August 2014, 16 GMT.
This date is the final call to sent us your entries.
AND ...
with this update we have another addition to the random Prize Pool.
Forged Monkey hands out a brand new, yet unreleased bust of "Jamal" to one lucky winner. Thanks for the support!
More soon!
I just came to MV to look for a tutorial for something on my entry, but now I get to type 'woooohooooo'. More time :) This is only my second ever display base so more time is good. It means I can practice things before applying them to my entry. Thanks :)