Unfortanetly the voted Airbrush article takes a little longer than expected and will drop in the jungle this week's wednesday. Thanks for your patience.
Welcome to July.
Another post on my thoughts around my workbench, this time finally without any "Quaks!" or "Croaks!" as the Toad King was finished last week. Soon final photos will hti the jungle. Well, if you are interested behind this link you find the latest of my WIP-posts.
What is happening at my table?
I decided to give Forged Monkey's yet unreleased "Jamal" another conversion go as I am totally in love with that sculpt by Raffa. I am pretty sure that these conversions won't stop here as many more are already touched down in my brain. Some WIPs:
Soon more about this guy and his story of drama and fine music.
I started to paint on a truely big bust, the Eskimo Fisherman by Romain van den Bogeart and I am researching a lot about the topic/themeof Inuits. Reading about their history, daily life and their lifes today is really fascinating. Some other side fun projects are also visible on the following photo.
Little did I know about fish but changing the fact at the moment ...
Additional to that I am in the middle of finalizing organisation and preparation of the first of my upcoming basing classes. First weekend of August it'll be and I am really looking forward to see what the students will think of my thoughts and program and if they can help to build better bases. Really, really corious about it.
Summer is hot like it should be and being outside is a true joy.
While I am outside you can find me riding my bike, playing basketball or go swimming, but swimming is a pain in the booty if you are a smoker, but well, training can change that. Or quit smoking. I can only recommend never to start smoking or you while swimming you'll feel like a frog with some arrows in his chest. Quak!
Another postcard was recieved by the Jungle Headquarters and it comes from Melanie and Thorsten.
So cool, it says: "Always be yourself, but if you can be Batman, be Batman!"
After writing the article about Painting/Project motivation I find myself cleaning up my workbench more often. Very, very interesting.
So far, keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Very funny funky dude! I have to paint dark/Brown skin son ama gonna search in your tuto gallery.
Rvdb sculpt ils truely amazing, the ski and the fish are already really full of life. Did you paint this mini with oil or acrylics? Sorry for the phone autocorrection...
Hey Pitlap, as far as I remember there is no article about dark skin at the moment. I will write one in the future days of Massive Voodoo taking both Jamals conversions as examples to talk about.
The Inuit is indeed a lot of fun to paint. So far only Acrylics used.