Name: Philip
Job: self-employed Webdesigner, creator of www.puttyandpaint.com
Years of Painting: 2011~now
Media: Acrylics
Brushes: Windsor&Newton Series 7 (standard, not miniature), size 0, 1 and 2
Airbrush: Yes, for base coats and effects.
Miniatures: Fantasy and Historical. from 1/32 up to 1/6. Me and my eyes, we are not the biggest fans of 28mm and smaller figures…
Speed: Awfully slow!
Average Painting Hours per day: Hard to tell. From 0 for weeks to 6-8 per day.
Sculpting: Started in 2011 at workshop of my man Mati! I am even slower at sculpting than at painting …
Favourite Miniature Painters: Alfonso Giraldes, Dmitri Fesechko, Frabizio Russo, Kirill Kanaev, Roman Lappat, Raffaele Picca, Sang-Eon Lee
Favourite Miniature Sculptors: Jun-Sik Ahn, Mark Newman, Pedro Fernandez, Raul Garcia Latorre, Sang-Eon Lee, Trevor Grove
Galleries: Putty&Paint, CMON

I like painting as well as sculpting. When I was about 18 I painted my first few miniatures. A couple of months later I already dropped the hobby. Why? Because I had no inspiration or influences. In the fall of 2010 and more than a decade later I wanted to give my girlfriend a bonsai as a gift. I thought a little samurai would be nice under the tree. So I was looking for a little samurai on ebay. And then it happend. I stumbled upon miniature sites and I instantly wanted to paint again. But … I was very busy working that time so I started to devour tutorials like a baby milk on mamas breasts.
When I bought some basic equipment I began to wake up early, very early, just to have some time to paint before work. I took my miniatures to work so I could prepare them in the train. Somehow I got into Space Marines and started a Blood Angles army. I never intended to play wargames. I never even liked armies. I thought it would be the best way to learn and get into routine. Turns out I was wrong.
Bruce Willis - G.I.Joe: Repaint
Magic moment one – Just painting, no brain fuck.
In february 2011 I attended for the first time at a painting class of Roman and Raffa in Munich.
The most important lesson I learned at my first painting class was to release the bonds in my head. Just let your creativity flow, the rest will happen by itself. If you have been to one of Roman's classes you know what I mean, otherwise you should attend one.
Magic moment two – Try the unknown.
When I was back home from my first workshop I learned there was a sculpting class by Mati close to my hometown. I thought, let's try it, you have nothing to lose. I had never touched Sculpey or Greenstuff before, but sculpting was love at first sight, thanks to Mati I quickly found a good sense for material, tools and shapes, as he is very good at identifying your mistakes and leading you to the right way. OOMMMM.
Magic moment three – Dare the complex.
A few months later I attended my second painting class of Roman. At this workshop I painted a non GamesWorkshop miniature at 54mm for the first time. I converted a King Maulg into a Viking Björlg. Woohoooo. Much more fun than a Space Marine. There was no need to be afraid of larger and detailed miniatures after all.
Forged by Chaos
In 2012 I created www.puttyandpaint.com because there was no proper gallery to show off your great miniatures. Yes there ist cmon, but in my opinion it's for tabletop figures and more a forum than a high quality gallery.
But the most important fact about this hobby is that I met so many new people the last years. Some of them I consider as close friends. This is the happiest part about happy painting.
All great info there! Agree on P&P vs. C'MON. Lately, there has been a lot of vote sniping at C'MON happening to some world class artists and P&P is definitely the place to showcase high end display pieces :)
I really enjoyed reading about your magic momentsl, Phil. They look very similiar to mine from what I have learned in the past.