Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,....
Hey everyone,
just some midnight wips before going to bed..... still far from finished but it starts to look like something ;)
Hmmm and to bring some fear into your hearts i'll present to you my Leonidas Tier 1 style photoshop beard:

Cheers and good night!
Hey everyone,
just some midnight wips before going to bed..... still far from finished but it starts to look like something ;)
Hmmm and to bring some fear into your hearts i'll present to you my Leonidas Tier 1 style photoshop beard:
Cheers and good night!
gn8 Raffa
For Spartaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice beard^^
regards Kurt
I love most of your bases. The ones I don't love I just like very much. This one could very well be one of the best!
Nice work!
Could you please tell me what miniatures are those??
the Centaur is from Artefactory / Kraken Editions and the lady is from AFM Montrouge and was received as a gift on the Duke of Bavaria :)
Thank you by the info and congratulations for the great work.