Important information for registration
(big thanks to Mike for the translation help!)
Registrations can be made by a “Here!” in this forum thread or via eMail to
jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com. Please express your interest in this class, even if you notice, there are already a lot of registrations. There will be a waiting list, and, with a given number of interested
Massive Voodoo - Jar's Basing Workshop
First an overview of the information given in this thread:
1. Instructor
2. Contents of the Workshop
3. Date and Location
4. Attendance
5. Price of the Workshop and Registration
6. Schedule and Program
7. List of Materials
8. Information on Food and Accommodation
9. Disclaimer and Information on Minors
10. List of Participants
1. Instructor:
Roman Lappat
Gallery: http://www.puttyandpaint.com/jarhead
2. Contents of the Workshop:
• Base Construction in Theory and Practice
• Main Focus: Theory of Composition
• Theme of the Base: „Post-Apocalypse“, Nature Wins Back
• Topic-Related Study and Materials Science
The following photo example shows the theme of the base, on which the workshop was designed:
„Post-Apocalypse“, Nature Wins Back

What happens at the course?
Every participant builds his or her own base on basis of the main focus mentioned above. The base
will be constructed, painted and greened. Materials for the base construction will be provided
completely for every participant.
It's the objective of this weekend workshop to give extensive knowledge of applicable design
possibilities under inclusion of theories of aesthetic composition. From the fusion of theoretical
knowledge and practical application originates a package, that will go constantly with the
participant after the class and will train his or her senses for harmony and composition as well as for
naturalness on a base. Romans main focus during the workshop is on the support for the
participants, he will not build his own base. This workshop is addressed to advanced miniature
painters, who want to develop a better understanding of the composition of beautiful display bases
(exhibition bases).
Important: This Massive Voodoo course will never go on tour, that means, it will take place every
time only in Augsburg. The reason for this is a didactic phase on Friday evening, during which
“life-size bases” are built, and accordingly a lot of materials are needed. The workshop will take
place only once or at most twice a year, every time in Augsburg. This summer (2014), two dates are
available, this one in August and another one mid to late September. For the workshop planned for
2015 the theme of the base will change.
3. Date and Location:
September 26,2014 – September 28, 2014
On Friday:
Massive Voodoo Atelier
Kulturpark West
Sommestraße 40
86167 Augsburg
On Saturday/Sunday:
Staatsinstitut für die Ausbildung von Fachlehrern, Abteilung I,
Henisiusstraße 1,
86152 Augsburg
4. Attendance:
maximum 18 participants
5. Price of the Workshop and Registration:
The participation fee is € 145,00 per participant. This amount includes rent for the room, material
costs, time for planning and preparation of the course by the instructor, approximately twenty seven
hours of work of the instructor over the weekend as well as a final, detailed handout concerning the
contents of the workshop. Details about the transfer of the participation fee will be listed in this
section, when the workshop has reached the maximum number of participants.
How can I register?
Registrations take place from June 27, 2014 at 8.00 pm here in this thread or via eMail to:
Financial transaction?
Will be added later.
6. Schedule and Program:
Meeting Point: 6.00 pm at the Massive Voodoo Atelier
Starting Time: between 6.00 pm and 6.30 pm (punctuality is asked)
Welcome, Introductions
Theoretical Part „Lead-In“
Theoretical Part „How base-harmony is produced“
Theoretical Part „Theory of Composition“
Practical Part „Building life-size Bases“
Expected End: 12.00 pm
Meeting Point: 9.30 am at the “Staatsinstitut zur Ausbildung von Fachlehrern”
Starting Time: 10.00 am
Theoretical Part „Lead-In/Inspiration Base-Theme”
Practical Part „Materials Science“
Practical Part „Preparing Material“
Practical Part „Guided Construction of the Base under Inclusion of previous learned Theory”
Evening Break
Practical Part „Detail Work on the Base“
Practical Part „Preparation of the Base for Priming“
Practical Part „Priming“
Expected End: between 11.00 pm and 12.00 pm
Meeting Point: 9.30 am at the “Staatsinstitut zur Ausbildung von Fachlehrern”
Starting Time: 10.00 am
Practical Part „Painting the Base“
Practical Part „Painting Details on the Base“
Theoretical Part „Greening under Inclusion of previous learned Theory“
Practical Part „Base-Greening“
Expected End: between 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm
7. List of Materials:
To be brought by each participant:
- Daylight lamp
- Cutting- or crafting pad
- Tools: Scalpel, pliers, fine saw, if available etc.
- Super glue, PVA glue
- Brushes and paints
- Pencil and paper
All other materials will be provided by the instructor. This includes e.g. lots of material for the
construction of the base, for greening and detail work on the base, a socket, sanding paper, primer
etc. A figure matching the theme of the base (28mm by Hasslefree) will be provided as well as two
special surprises to intensify the theme of the base.
At this point we say thank you to the following companies for their support:
Hasslefree Miniatures
Forged Monkey
Secret Weapon
Hasslefree Miniatures
Forged Monkey
Secret Weapon
8. Information on Board and Lodging:
Here it's: Everybody cares for him- or herself. Whether Youth Hostel, Hotel or overnight stay at
local persons, you'll have to manage on your own. Maybe you can make an arrangement with other
participants of the class.
The Youth Hostel Slepscan be recommended, for it is less than two minutes by foot away from the
"Staatsinstitut". To stay there overnight, you need a Youth Hostel pass, which can be made out
directly on site at the Youth Hostel. It's € 3,50 in the summertime for persons under 27 years and €
10,50 for those 27 years or older. You can call the Youth Hostel and will be well advised. There are
also multi-bed rooms and guesthouses available. Augsburg also has a lot of pensions and hotels. We
expect every participant to care for his or her accommodation autonomously.
Your are responsible for your food. In close proximity are several bakeries, to supermarkets
(Tengelmann and Norma), a bank (Sparkasse), snack bars (turkish), some butcheries etc. According
to our usual practice we will plan our breaks together at the workshop. Inside the building, where
the workshop takes place, there is a coffee brewer, a dishwasher, a fridge and an oven we can use.
Bring so money with you for your food etc.
Bring your food for Friday already with you at your arrival because there is no meal break
9. Disclaimer an Information on Minors:
Minors can only attend the workshop with a declaration of consent signed by their parents. An
appropriate paper has to be brought to the workshop or can be sent previously to Roman by mail.
Ask for the address by PM or via eMail.
The organizers of the workshop assume no liability for damage to persons or property.
Behaviour in a sociable manner is precondition for a pleasant atmosphere at the workshop!
10. List of Participants:
Please see to the forum for actual updates.
If there are still questions, please ask here in this thread, so I can answer them once for all of you.
We are looking forward to meeting you and will surely have a lot of fun together!
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