during painting class after painting class I am also able to work on some demonettes from GW for explanations during the clas. I am collecting them, even they are not finished yet. I just glue them to a plinth, even they are incomplete, but the latest experience showed me that this is a good thing for the students during the class to check back for light situation or see what colour they might use and which colour fits to their bases. Welcome da eight ladies (one is beheaded):
Time to start a new plinth, isn't it?
Another spotlight I want to point out is the recent Indigogo-Campaign from our friends on Wonderlands Projects. Seven days are left to that one and the figure is definatly pretty unique: A shark warrior! How cool is that?
As the campaign is running to its end there are already first sculpting photos available. The Great White one grows from putty. So this is your chance to get a copy of this one and not only the shark. The campaign also offers options to get hold of every sculpt available on Wonderlands Project, like Sgt. Corwinn or Archdemon Barbatos to just name some of my favourites ones from the team.
Copyright by Wonderlands Project
Well, you can make the difference and help that project to be realised - here is the link again to the Indigogo Campaign. Let's make it happen!
And it is Article voting time again.
I told you of the "year of the painter" on MV where there are more painting articles to come. You decide the next one up to the blog again via comment. Choose wisely and see the voting end on Monday after my next painting class. One week to vote on this one! Would you like to see ...
My thoughts and progress behind some Zombicide Figures ...

or ...
A step by step article through the journey I made while finishing the Arkvenger from Pegaso Models, back in 2011 ...
For Arkvenger vote "Arkvenger" in the comments!

Please don't vote for "Arkvenger Zombies"! Your turn!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
during painting class after painting class I am also able to work on some demonettes from GW for explanations during the clas. I am collecting them, even they are not finished yet. I just glue them to a plinth, even they are incomplete, but the latest experience showed me that this is a good thing for the students during the class to check back for light situation or see what colour they might use and which colour fits to their bases. Welcome da eight ladies (one is beheaded):
Time to start a new plinth, isn't it?
Another spotlight I want to point out is the recent Indigogo-Campaign from our friends on Wonderlands Projects. Seven days are left to that one and the figure is definatly pretty unique: A shark warrior! How cool is that?
Copyright by Wonderlands Project
As the campaign is running to its end there are already first sculpting photos available. The Great White one grows from putty. So this is your chance to get a copy of this one and not only the shark. The campaign also offers options to get hold of every sculpt available on Wonderlands Project, like Sgt. Corwinn or Archdemon Barbatos to just name some of my favourites ones from the team.
Copyright by Wonderlands Project
Well, you can make the difference and help that project to be realised - here is the link again to the Indigogo Campaign. Let's make it happen!
And it is Article voting time again.
I told you of the "year of the painter" on MV where there are more painting articles to come. You decide the next one up to the blog again via comment. Choose wisely and see the voting end on Monday after my next painting class. One week to vote on this one! Would you like to see ...
My thoughts and progress behind some Zombicide Figures ...
For Zombies vote "Zombies" in the comments!

or ...
A step by step article through the journey I made while finishing the Arkvenger from Pegaso Models, back in 2011 ...
For Arkvenger vote "Arkvenger" in the comments!

Please don't vote for "Arkvenger Zombies"! Your turn!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
I vote for arkvenger
I vote for Arkvenger as well.
i vote for Zombies!
Arkevenger for me
Mhmm... tough one, but Arkvenger as well.
(Zombies maybe any time later...?)
Zombies for me, if you please.
I want the zombies, but I fear that Arkvenger will win.. too many cool items kicking around for you to show off it seems.. but I would still love to see the Zombies.. so final answer.. Zombies...
Arkvenger without any doubt. So much awesomeness in one model
Arkvenger please. So lovely with the stone hand as a base.
ps. already saved the demonettes in my "Inspiration" folder... ;)
again Zombies!!!
Arkvenger! Ahahahahahahah
I love zombies... :) but vote for Arkvenger!!
Arkvenger please!
Zombies!!! I love them.
Worst. Showgirls. EVER. :P
definitely Arkvenger.
I'd love to see a step by step on the Arkvenger :-)
arkvenger!!! ^^
Zombies please!
Zombies, definatly. They are so wholsome compared to the Arkvenger. I don't like the Shark Warriors even they are not finished yet.
Arkvenger, since I misunderstood the point of the article and thought you had already written up these tutorials--and the one I clicked on was Arkvenger!