Hey Jungle dwellers,
again it is time for another MV Quest.
A Quest of glory for sure, but this time rather about exploring unknown terrain, searching for little wonders and gaining experiences in the world of little wonders. Best of it, taking part will not take you a lot of time.
You have seen the latest article about "Using stamps in your Milliput".
This quest is completly focused on this. Read the lower rules for details.
Thanks to CMON who made this quest possible by sponsoring prizes.
Quest Rules
- Collect some cool things to make stamps from, keep your eyes open to find them (Explore)
- Do some stamping work to see what you like the most (Experience, have fun, go crazy)
- Make a photo* of your favourite "Stamp"** in Milliput or other Putty
- Sent the photo via mail to jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com
- Name the mail like this "MV Quest - Can you stamp it? - *your name*" to take part
- Sent your photo until 1st of April 2014 - we are judging the coolest stamp idea, craziest ones, funniest and impressive ones, etc. - may the most creative of you win! (be genius)
How many stamps can I submit?
You can submit as many stamps as you like but you have to tell us your favourite one - we will take our judging on this one. We think with everybody showing as many stamps as he likes all the readers have more fun and inspiration.
*entries will be made public on Massive Voodoo
**Important: We need to see on the photo what you took as a stamp (for example: Stone) and your stamped base._____________________________________________________________________________
WIN one of those three prizes, sponsored by CoolMiniOrNot:
We will give away these three prizes to the most creative and genius stamp ideas.
PLUS: Everyone who takes part in the Quest will take part in a random lottery of a big jungle surprise basing box.
Now it is up to you?
What you waiting for?
Collect some stuff and do some experiments.
If you got questions, please feel free to drop them via comment.
Quest is online and live!
Happy stamping to you all!
How many different stamps can you submit? Just 1?
Thanks for the hint. You can submit as many stamps as you like but you have to tell us your favourite one - we will take our judging on this one. We think with everybody showing as many stamps as he likes all the readers have more fun and inspiration. Added to the rules! Thanks again!
oh this is awesome Roman!
Happy that you are in!
Can't wait to see all your entries!
I just ordered some stairs from plastruct - o scale for Infinity games first is this right scale and the second question I also brought spiral staircases as well .
Hey Mcsnead17. I am sorry I do not understand your question. There is no rule about Scale of your Stamp in this quest. You can stamp in whatever scale you like ...
here in the states they still do.
But ... MV is international :)
Do we submit the bases untouched by paint or is a wash to acceptable improve definition for pictures?
Unpainted please.