posted by Oli, HonourGuard, silver leaf
These are the ready pictures of my latest mini from Red Box Games. I am a great fan of TreManor. This is the third mini, in the last 3 months from him. I need some more photo skills, to show you some pictures of my cabinet and the other both ;)
I hope, I get the honour, to get a promo version, in his store, one time. So.. I talked too much.. :D here are the picutres ;

you can click on the pictures to make it big.
some detail shots of the base. I know some party are not totally sharp ;/

So now I gonna start some new projects, maybe a Rackham unit or the next mini from Tre?? hm ;P
regards Oli
These are the ready pictures of my latest mini from Red Box Games. I am a great fan of TreManor. This is the third mini, in the last 3 months from him. I need some more photo skills, to show you some pictures of my cabinet and the other both ;)
I hope, I get the honour, to get a promo version, in his store, one time. So.. I talked too much.. :D here are the picutres ;

you can click on the pictures to make it big.
some detail shots of the base. I know some party are not totally sharp ;/

So now I gonna start some new projects, maybe a Rackham unit or the next mini from Tre?? hm ;P
regards Oli
Very nice miniature. Base looks like put of a fantasy swampland. I like these very small minis very much and this one looks like a glory honorable fighter, even under this hard ambient conditions! Good luck for you next project! Daddy Cool
I really love the colors and style of your painting. His NMM are really great, hard to beat ;)
The colors and water of the base is really nice but i think smaller branches and roots would have looked better with such a small and detailed miniature. Right now the roots are almost a little bit to bulky.
Anyway, great work as always... i really love how you bring out every detail on the minis.
Thank you for your nice answers :D
@Raffa, yes, you are right. I am just on my way, trying new things and playing around. But I am still happy for the comment, this shows me what to looking for (to get an good complete atmosphere) and maybe how to use such effects for my advantage in the future.
Mmh... very, very sweet stuff - honey in the palm tree... great stuff!
WOOT WOOT!! He looks fantastic Oli! many many thanks fro all teh effort you have put in to this project! Did yo usay this is teh third figure of mine you hav edone? I know of Aurelius but what is the other figure? I woudl love to see it man! Oh and send me an email!